The new non Evo dracthyr intro

The announcement talks about learning new arts from contact with mortals. The intro makes no sense on that front (like literally none).

Angeth’ar academy was designed showing dracthyr learning with older mentors and mortal guests, has an instanced version due to the dungeon, and seems wasted compared to the silly “we found more creches that conveniently happened to have people trained in mortal arts, some of which barely even existed 20000 years ago.” This is the literal opposite of learning from recently having contact with mortals. It makes a lot more sense and would give room for something significantly more inspired to use the academy than recycling one of the 3 Forbidden Reach Buildings.

Also Chromie time for non Evo dracthyr should definitely nudge you more strongly into DF.

Also the fact that like 2/3 of the text dialogue is seemingly dedicated to selling the factions is frankly silly. The faction choice is made at character creation. No neutral race has been particularly tightly wound to the factions and this has been especially true of the dracthyr, whose faction reps basically have had no interactions with the factions except as a warning to remember that the dragon isles are their homeland and not just a place to loot willy nilly. Methinks someone up high is still clinging to the notion that the average neutral race player particularly cares about faction pride and identity. Sorry, I couldn’t give less of a damn and this is taking space that could probably go to something more interesting than a zombie system the director clings to like a life raft. The fact that Ji and Aysa remain the only faction pandaren with any screentime, basically do not interact with the factions as much as each other, and that the Dracthyr are fundamentally absent from any and all faction specific content still now should be enough to tell yourselves how pointless it is to hyperfocus on that.