Would’ve gotten the world destroyed if it replaced the Kirin Tor of WotLK. Or Legion. Or pretty much any point in WarCraft history where they helped turn the tide against the darkness. Just saying.
Here I was excited that Metzen was back, that it might herald a return to form for the story telling. LOL, what a fool I was.
He’s already said himself, TWW was more or less done by the time he came back, he’s apparently more involved in Midnight onwards with the story stuff.
You’re up to two threads whining about this. How many do you have planned?
nice addition to the topic… doesn’t make you seem like a diva or troll …nope.
Glad to hear it, random classic alt!
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All three expansions in this trilogy were already in development before he even returned. He pushed back on some things but this whole thing of blaming a singular entity for every time something in game happens with the story is insane. Not to mention, he made clear he isn’t running the show, that the story team is more “democratic” now…
I don’t understand this direction as well. It’s okay that Dalaran was destroyed and the Kirin Tor has to rebuild, but the questline tries to paint the old Kirin Tor as if it’s mission was a bad thing.
It’s like saying we shouldn’t have police because there are corrupt and violent cops. No police would just make crime rampant,
The old Kirin Tor failed many times, like in allowing Kel’thuzad to thrive in its structure for a time (though he was eventually found and expelled). But under the new Kirin Tor, guys like Kel’thuzad will thrive anyway without anyone to stop them.
It’s as if you decide law enforcement is too hard to do right, so let’s just train in self-defense and everyone else be damned.
Whaaaa, character growth is icky.
Am i doing this right?
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no do it like this
“character growht is DISGUSTING! WOW has gone bad but I wont unsub bc I am an addict.”
There is a four letter word (5 with the s on the end) that perfectly describes the current year kirin tor. But that word, even though it’s fairly mild, is forbidden on these forums.
DEI is fast falling out of fashion though, so we may see positive change in future.