The new Judgement Cinematic crashed my game

Likewise, at the same spot as everyone else.

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Thanks for posting it! :smiley:

Ditto happened to me and many members of my guild.

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Same thing happened to me. I talked to Pelagos afterwards and completed the quest, but I’m still sitting at 6/7 on my quest log so I assume there’s something else, but I just didn’t get it.

As with everyone else, my game crashed as soon as Tyrande shows up.

When Tyrande Whisperwind began to speak during the in-game cut scene for “The Fate of Sylvanas”, my game client gave a critical error and cited memory as the issue.

I logged back into the game and found myself still at the Crucible in front of Pelagos, who now has a yellow question mark above his head but there is no such quest in my log anymore. I can’t abandon it and I’m afraid at this point of turning it in and becoming stuck on progress.

Please prioritize this bug A.S.A.P.

None of the quests in this short quest chain show up in the log, not sure why

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As with the others posting in this bug report forum, I also got to the section of the cut scene where Tyrande places her glaive to Sylvanas’ throat then the game reported a fatal error and crashed on two characters. The cut scenes are listed in sequence on WoWHead if you search “Sylvanas’ Judgement Cinematics”. The first being the one from “The Fate of Sylvanas” quest which does not show in my quest logs and the second likely being from the follow up quest “Penance and Renewal” where you have to meet Tyrande in the Ring of Transference. As these quests do NOT show in the quest log I am unsure IF this character actually HAS the “Penance and Renewal” quest or not since there are no markers directing me anywhere or a quest to track in my log.

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same here, exact same spot, also same crash while doing SOTFO crash on jailer

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Ren_Lol over at r/wow has provided a convenient screenshot:

Did they fix it ? I logged off

Not sure about the game client crash itself, but I was able to view the quests in my quest log again.

The Sylvannus cinematic (Judgement, 29-3-2022) has not only crashed the entire game for my main character, but for multiple members in my guild. It occurred (at least for me) exactly the the way Zarahal described it: right after Sylvanus appealed to Tyranda’s judgement, but before Tyranda got more than a sentence of a response in.