The new hover+mouse binding to skill should also let you easily bind keys to mouseover

I know you can do mouseover+key by making a macro, but Clique lets you do both of these just by pressing the buttons you want to use on mouseover, if the new clickbind UI let you do this with keys as well I could get rid of Clique.

Just enable Mouseover Cast in the Options

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I want to use Home (which is bound to mouse button 6) to cast Intercession on mouseover. Currently on my hotbars Home + Home with modifiers is used for other skills, so I can’t just set it as mouseover+alt+where Intercession is on my bars (9 key). With Clique I can set it to mouseover+Home = Intercession. Can’t do this with official WoW stuff unless you type in a macro. So the new UI is still behind addons, from what I can tell. This would easily be resolved if when you hover over a skill in the cast UI and press a key/mouse button that’s bound to a key (in this case Home), it just assigned that as mouseover+key= spell/ability. Instead it does nothing.

So we have new casting controls and I still need to use Clique to fill in the gaps.

We have a new hotbar UI but I still need to use Bartender because it lists Ctrl+Mouse 4 as CB4, whereas official displays it as c-Mo… so you can’t tell which mouse button it is.

GJ Blizz. Hopefully they actually read these forums and implement updates to address these issues, otherwise there was little point of them implementing UI and clicktocast changes.

You don’t need to set a modifier (leave it as None), just enable the feature and all your keybinds will have mouseover support.

Yes, but you aren’t understanding: I want Home (which is bound to mouse 6) as Intercession when pressed on mouseover, without having it bound to Home on my hotbar so I can use Home with and without modifiers (ctrl/alt/shift) for other skills on my hotbar that don’t need targets. Clique lets me do this. Official WoW does not.

If you want specific interactions depending on the frames you’re interacting with then yeah, you’ll need an addon for that.

If you want whatever you have keybound to Home (or other keys) [the fact that Mouse 6 is mapped to Home is irrelevant from WoW’s POV, it just sees Home] to trigger on mouseover (if that’s an option for the spell) then all you need to do is enable the feature.

Yes I understand the latter is the only option right now. The former could be an option if they made it so when the modifier option isn’t checked, you can bind keys to mouseover as seperate from what the same key on the hotbar would do. This is a major oversight as it makes you still need an addon like Clique. I thought the point of the UI/cast controls update was to get rid of the need for some major addons. As is nothing has changed for me with this update except I can no longer stack vertical raid bars as 4x4, the only option is 1x8. So this is an update that sent me backwards.

IMO the point of the base UI has never been to replace addons, just to provide base functionality. Blizz’s goal was to allow people to do click casting at all, in the most easy to use way possible. Addons will always provide more customizeability than the base UI.

Clique is the easiest way, because it lets you bind key+mouseover to something seperate than what mouseover+samekeyonhotbar would do. The new setup is literally Clique except missing this feature.

Blizz has failed. All they had to do was addon research and I guess they didn’t.