The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes

I have had further direct discussions. All about getting on the priority list. I’m not happy about it but there it is! I can only hope if they’re hiring more developers some of them might be placed on fixing lower priority items. Note, I’m not saying this is lower priority for us but it clearly hit lower priority over other issues within the game.

I ran into this whole business the other day when I realized I could not set a discrete permission to give a non-officer rank access to Officer chat.


Thanks for continuing to push this, Xakopane. I can’t give out any more likes right now, but take this substitute: :+1:

I understand the priorities issue, but even low priority items need to be addressed and not continually pushed down the line. I’m just trying to get my head around the idea that Blizzard doesn’t have enough personnel to fix things in a timely manner, but yet they let go almost 800 workers. Yeah, yeah, I KNOW the laid off folks weren’t developers, but I can’t help feeling they’re not going to be replaced with anyone who can help us, either.

Still, I’m glad you were in a position to once again bring our concerns up directly to the people who could do something about it (if they had time, resources, etc.).


EVERYTHING seems to be ‘low priority’ these days; especially if its a game issue we’ve posted about.
Flips hair


Even if it is low-priority…

Is there nobody who can take 2 seconds to come here and say that this is the case…? Or say anything? At all? The utter lack of any response is a bad look…


Here is a good post using Irannia’s suggested feedback format:

I’m thinking right now, with all the blow-up about the portal rooms, our “little problem” is going to be ignored even further. On the one hand, I do sort of feel the portal issue is bigger since it directly affects everyone–even if they aren’t in a guild. On the other hand, I just wish Blizz would get it together and stop trying to fix what isn’t broken (and thus actually breaking it).

Their blindness about the portals is a reflection of their blindness about guild permissions–and a whole bunch of other things in the game, to be honest. The “WoW killer” isn’t another company’s game, it’s Blizzard.


It’s funny, they need to break portals so that they can justify focusing cm’s on that, then in a week they will never mention a thing about the portals again because there will be another thread for the cm’s to white knight blizzard’s failures. it’s like a self sustaining economy but the currency is bad decisions and tone deaf defenses.


I don’t really have anything new to add today, except that I appreciate the issue still being brought before the devs. I know it must be tedious and frustrating, especially when the answer you get is essentially ‘it’s not a high priority right now’… but it’s still appreciated anyway.

But I’d argue, Blizz, that this -does- need to be a priority. In addition to addressing all the other issues people have brought up (class tuning, RNG, etc.) it doesn’t mean the social aspects of the game should be set on a lower priority, because the two go directly hand-in-hand, I think.

You need both great gameplay and a solid backbone for social interaction in order to have a really thriving game. Great gameplay but no solid social backbone? You may as well have a single-player game. Solid social backbone but poor gameplay? Nobody will want to play if it isn’t fun.

I’m expressing it poorly I suspect, but treating social issues like the broken guild permissions as a low priority I think is a big mistake on Blizzard’s part. Plenty of people, myself included, play this game primarily FOR the social aspect of it. And taking away structure and choices in that for any reason is ultimately going to affect the game. It already has, there are examples all over this thread.

tl;dr: Blizzard, you cannot indefinitely ignore the issues on the social side of the game. Prioritize literal game-breaking issues, of course- but do not neglect the broken aspects on the social side of this game. They are just as important.


Not even gonna change the lyrics here.



Altherei makes some excellent points.

As has been stated here many times, guilds keep people interested in playing Wow with fun and social interaction when the game content alone cannot.

BfA is a questionable xpac at best.

In my experience it is the least popular Wow xpac to date.

What Blizzard seems to fail to understand is that guilds (The guilds Blizz themselves have crippled with “is officer”) can no longer fulfill that role successfully on a large scale as they once could since the tools we need to run our guilds have been deprived of us.

To simplify:

BfA is (sadly) not a huge success.

People are un-subbing.

Guilds can generally stem the flow of people leaving the game.

Blizzard has largely removed the guild’s ability to stem said flow.

Blizzard apparently believes fixing the one thing that the game has already built into it that can assist them in keeping subscribers happy and therefore subbed during the tougher times is “not a priority”



Some people may not know why I’ve been quoting old posts from this thread. It’s basically because Ion specifically asked us for more feedback (in a Q&A I believe). That was pretty much the last time anyone from Blizzard has publicly acknowledged this topic. Since there is boatloads of feedback–really good feedback–already posted in this thread, I’ve been reading back through it and pulling up posts to highlight that excellent feedback.

Here’s a long, but relevant and comprehensive, post from Druunah:

Of course, the other reason I’m doing this is to keep the thread alive. I’ve had threads I was posting in get closed down without any resolution because people didn’t post in it for a day or so. I don’t want Blizzard to imagine for even a moment that we’re okay with permissions the way they are (even if we’ve had to try to adjust to making it somehow work like a square peg in a round hole).


From one guild leader to another:
Flips hair


The same team that wants to remove portals, time gate flying, not give us vendors, etc. etc.


It’s Activision/Blizzard’s corporate motto: If it ain’t broke, fix it.


I did Dragon Soul on a rogue yesterday; what do you guys do in Caverns of Time?



I am still not happy with how much they gutted gm control on things… yes they have given some back but it’s still not enough in my opinion


I’ve kind of been wondering if the current brouhaha over the portal removals might actually help us here. I mean, in order to avoid doing anything about the portals, might the devs decide to work on this instead?

Nah. Probably not. They’re good at multi-ignoring stuff.

Anyway, while doing my read-through, I came across my main man Che, back when he was in favor of fixing this problem:

I, too, would love to have guild halls, and there have been some really cool ideas tossed around about them in this very thread. But, in the end, I’ll settle for at least having our permissions separated out again.

Well, for now. Can’t deny that I would still like to have guild halls.


It’s -3F with 4 feet of snow on the ground. My cat smells like exhaust from our attempts to keep the mountains of snow out of the driveway. I’ve been binge-watching a gardening show out of desperation for greenery.

I really need some good news.

Blizzard cares about us and will fix permissions, yeah?


Fixed that for you.


I shouldn’t have laughed at this as hard as I did. :rofl:

Fix the permissions, Blizz. This really should be a priority. Guilds are the glue that hold this game together. Guilds will keep players subbed when the portal fiasco is making them tear out their hair and looking for the unsub button.

Don’t. Kill. Guilds.

You need them. You really do.


Well, I figured I’d get in one more post from my read-through before forum maintenance tomorrow. I don’t know why, but I somehow keep thinking this thread will somehow disappear during said maintenance.

Here is another, long, comprehensive post of specific feedback from Takoda about how the changes have affected her guild:

I really like the things on her “Wishlist”. I can’t single out any favorites, but I don’t think even Che would disagree that the guild finder needs a major overhaul to be even remotely useful. Really, everything in the quoted post is so well stated, it’s a true shame no one at Blizz is paying any attention to anything we post here.