The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes

‘Improved communication’ FTW!
Flips hair


This post was originally create in July.



Hey Blizz…you know who sucked at communication? Anakin Skywalker towards the end of the Clone Wars.

You know how that turned out?

Spoiler Alert

The freaking Dark Side of the force consumed him, and he was killed by Darth Vader!

Then he later dies again trying to save his son after before The Emperor kills him!


Blizzard, it’s not too late. Don’t give in to the fear, and hatred. I can sense the good in you.

Do not wait until the last moment to save your child, do what you can now. And start by reverting the friggin’ guild controls.


Yes, so YES!
Blizzard, you’re meant to make changes to improve this game, not fiddle around for the sake of it.
You were supposed to bring balance to the problems, not become one yourself!

(If you don’t get this by now, there is no hope for you; I’ll finish it anyways…)

You were supposed to destroy the Sith; not JOIN THEM!




Manages to stop laughing long enough to post goherently*
You forgot the ‘sarc’ tag.



I know, right? Some jokes just write themselves.


Just figured I would stop back in, again, and add my voice, again, though the silence is fairly deafening. I have a strong suspicion they don’t really intend to change anything and rather than be upfront about it, they suspect people might quit so mum’s the word.

Additionally, I have several guild members having trouble signing up for events, again, on the calendar. It’s a widespread issue across all ranks that can’t seem to be fixed and resetting UIs doesn’t resolve it. People who are using stock are having the same issue as everyone else who uses their own UI mods. I manage all of my guild’s events (raid and social) so this is just another issue to try and overcome. My guildies are basically the most awesome people ever, and this is just another barrier to me helping them get into game related things.


This is a known issue related to ElvUI. They have to disable the addon to properly use the calendar. :slight_smile:

I’m not a GM or even an officer but to me this is just the latest step in what appears to be a conscious ongoing effort by Blizzard to make guilds less and less relevant to gameplay. I have watched my guild (which is celebrating its 10th year) go from 50+ active players in Heroic Antorus with a full 25 man raid team, to having to scrape together PUGs to do Heroic Uldir. The last thing Blizzard needs to be doing right now is making things more difficult on guilds than they already are. Recruiting on the Alliance side is hard enough without driving even more people away from guilds.

I hope that Blizzard is able to at least work towards a solution that makes guilds more useful and meaningful in-game before they are reduced to glorified chat channels with achievements.


Bump…you guys all write so well , i could not have said it better Nassins. Fix the guild UI please!


Considering that the last time a thread got this high (It was the dungeon xp nerf and it’s at like 5k posts or something) went completely ignored by Blizz since 7.3.5, I don’t have high hopes for this issue.


We have people who are using stock and other addons besides ElvUI that are having issues, so it’s not just ElvUI that’s doing it. I wish it were cuz it’d be super easy to solve lol.


There are times when I wonder if Che works for Blizz because he’s always mentioning “solutions” that don’t apply to the specific situation. (i.e. giving stock answers)

I’ve thought this as well, but people are quitting anyway. They’d be better off making noises about fixing it (even if they end up never doing so). Kind of like the worgen/goblin models.


My guild is on Kul Tiras realm which is also connected to Bladefist realm via merger, alts on Bladefist cannot see guild chat or use guild ui, whereas my toons on Kul Tiras has no issues interacting with guild chat and the guild ui.


He also apparently believes everything is fine and dandy with the game, and at times tends to rant and rave like a lunatic.

All things considered:
Yep. He could definitely be a Acti-Blizzard plant.



Huh whut?

Did you miss me? Jeez i just posted so your silly little thread wouldn’t die…

I have no guildies in our rather large guild (look up Weekenders) experiencing this issue anymore.

BTW, bugs don’t belong in this thread and if you actually want them addressed you would put them in the bug report forum, like I did.

A Blue actually responded to me. That’s right a Blue responded to me…not to any of you.

10/08/2018 02:38 PM Posted by Itzali

"I’m a part of WoW QA, we usually check the bug forums. Things listed in General are checked by community. Many of these may currently be researched but large threads are hard to manage. If you have a specific topic you’re passionate about I suggest breaking them up into separate threads.

I will forward this on to them for visibility."

Guild Leader community on Elune/Gilneas server has never mentioned this being an issue. Try harder, the game works if you know how to use it.

Thanks for the bump!

Pats your little head.


Thank you for proving what I’ve been saying since you started trolling this thread oh so long ago.

You’re simply (still) throwing a tantrum because no one here wanted to follow your leadership and “migrate” over to the “bug” thread you created.

The moment you realized that no one here wanted anything to do with the afore mentioned “bug thread” that you yourself admittedly created at the behest of the “blue post” you started attempting to derail this thread by poor attempts at discrediting every GM here, posting random nonsense, silly rants, misinformation, useless “solutions” (Like telling everyone here that the game really isn’t broken even though you sure thought so until everyone refused to abandon this thread in favor of your "bug thread) and of course telling us that you, as well as (apparently) every single other guild leader you seem to have spoken to personally on your uber-happy, unicorn and rainbow infected realm is blissfully fine with the new guild changes

Even though many of us here already explained multiple times why we refused to join you and migrate over to the bug thread you created, please let me do so once again since you seem to be having issues understanding.


This was almost certainly a deliberate act / change made intentionally by Blizzard for “reasons”

It was done secretly without any warning whatsoever to any Guild Leader (or anyone) anywhere. Ie: Blizzard stabbed us all in the back


Please. Listen to and try to understand what you have been told many many many times here: There are MANY MANY MANY types of guilds out there. Not all of them are managed in the same manner.

What you claim works for your guild (You have yet to explain how btw even though you’ve been asked on MANY MANY MANY occasions to do so) does not work for other guilds.

You also keep saying that you and no other guild leaders you know have an issue with the changes, yet you’ve continue to haunt this thread for months stating your not concerned about this issue. (I know I myself often say to myself, “Self. lets go to many threads that don’t concern us in the slightest, and bother those people there who are concerned.” Not! )

Oddly enough, you yourself admittedly created another thread where you DO express concern for this issue, and yes, I and many others here saw the blue respond to you many months ago. (Yay for you sir!)
However, we rejected the notion of migrating this thread to the “bug forums”


Once again Mr. Heals, this issue is NOT A BUG.

Oh, BTW. Here’s one of your several attempts to start a new thread regarding this topic. You know, the one where you state that this very mega thread was “infiltrated by trolls” (In all honesty Cheheals, you’re very nearly the only troll it’s had since it’s creation)

Link: to said “bug thread” badmouthing this thread: The New Guild Permissions

Here’s a link to your original attempt to get posters to “migrate” the thread over to the “bug forums” The one everyone who was posting here at that time refused to migrate to because “THIS ISSUE ISN’T A BUG”

Link: The New Guild UI, Permissions...yikes! - #16 by Druunah-ravencrest

You’re trying to recruit for your guild here on the wow forums.

That’s awesome.

Here’s part of your guild recruitment message. It deals with the type of guildie you’re looking to have in your guild:

Very nice. In all honesty commendable even. I sincerely wish there were more guilds aspiring to be like this out there. Wow would likely have a much less toxic environment than it currently does.

I’ve requested similar behavior for my guildies over the years.

As a Guild Leader since late Vanilla, I have learned that behaviors I expect of my guildies are something I need to be sure to practice myself.

Bad behavior from any guildie (especially the Guild Leader) can earn the guild a poor reputation. Of course that was most especially true back before realm merging and all that other nonsense that made players more anonymous, which in turn (In my opinion) made them more likely to act “badly.”

As you can see, the Wow forums aren’t so anonymous.

Here’s another line from your guild recruitment message:

Very good advice.

Simply put sir / ma’am: You should take it.

Most every poster here feels hurt by Blizzard in some way shape or form as a result of their guild permissions being removed from THEIR guilds without THEIR consent, or even a warning it was going to happen. Followed of course by Blizzard’s continued silence ever since.

If your guild is doing well, bravo and congratulations to you.

On the opposite side of the coin, many of our guilds are not doing well and we want our control over them restored to us.

My apologies. I tend to ramble a bit especially before I’ve had my coffee.

Lets sum things up.

You say the new permissions work for your guild. (You wont say how)


You say no other guild leader on your realm feels effected by said changes to their guilds. (You have nothing to back up that statement beyond your own word as proof)


Please try to understand the following:

You’re not in charge of any guild but your own. If yours is working, great. Our’s aren’t.

Why? Simple as goretusk pie. We don’t manage our guilds like you manage yours.

Nice try.

The facts:

This very forum is FULL of threads that would beg to differ.
Facebook is FULL of Wow groups that beg to differ.
Reddit is FULL of posters / topics / threads that beg to differ.
Youtube is FULL of videos, comments and posters that beg to differ.

You can keep saying that the game isn’t broken till the murlocs come home, that doesn’t change the reality that not only are guild permissions “broken” the game in it’s entirety is a steaming mess since BfA went live.

About that.

Your “bug thread” ends on November 18th. The last three posts were made by you yourself. No Blue responded, and no one posts there even though the thread is not locked. (Please see above link)

At least this thread had a VIP respond several times, although that seems to have gotten nowhere,

You then started another thread in the bug forums also on Nov 18th. It got three posts in total.
Two are yours. (Please see above link)

It would seem that your threads are the ones in need of your attention.

This one is doing just fine.

Thanks anyway.



Me: I will take “WoW Ownership” for $500, Alex.
Alex: This person got roasted like a turkey in GC topic about guild permissions by the one and only Druunah
Me: Who is Cheheals?
Alex: Correct! Go again.