The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

I think for a time Guild leaders did not have the button to allow/not allow guild-speak. Which meant we had to immediately gkick someone for bad behaviour instead of silencing and talking to the peep in private.
An awesome change that would be an actual improvement for guilds is to increase the size of the guild bank logs and even track member balances with the guild bank. This way you can quickly see who is a contributor and who is a moocher.

I actually wrote an addon to do this a few expansions back, it even allowed the GM or designated officers to set guild prices on items. It was a real pain to get it working right tho because the log entry timestamps only resolved down to the hour of the transaction. I am hesitant to update this addon now as I'm waiting to see what direction Blizz takes with guilds.

And there are other addons that I'd like to write even more that all depend on the banking one. Like Guild Bounty Hunter, an addon that allows you to place bounty targets which automatically reward your guild bank balance when you kill a player on the guild bounty list.

And Guild Factions, an addon that lets GMs create and manage custom guild factions, kind of like the current guild reputation system except the rep gains and losses are totally controlled by the the GM.

There is so much potential for guilds that could be achieved with some simple UI additions, but Blizz has taken a lazy uninspired route which is obviously viewed as detrimental by many players.

Then, implement some of these good ideas without tweaking them for Unknown Reasons into uselessness!
Wow, they unlocked it. Cool.

Now give us our permissions back please or provide an update.
Here's a copy of the post made on the Q&A regarding our mutual dilemma.

Posted by Syllwindre
"As a GM and on behalf of the many who posted in the still on-going (and STILL not responded to) and the now locked due to post number thread:

When are you going to address the un-requested and frankly unneeded changes to guild permissions? Your choice to do this has made our jobs as GM's ten times harder and is extremely unpopular. Please give us our rank permission system back!

For the record, I quoted it there on the Q&A, and made a new post to let people know that this thread has been unlocked. I then linked it, and asked people to voice the opinions and grievances here.

The fact that this thread was unlocked after "all this time" gives me some small hope that at least someone is sort of paying attention.
Well, I'm happy to see this is unlocked, I have to go back and transfer comments from the Redux thread to here? /sigh

Well, I'm going to repeat my post about guild halls here at least:

10/30/2018 08:23 AMPosted by Fumel
So, I've been thinking about guild halls and how a guild might be able to open theirs up. (Yeah, maybe jumping the gun since we don't have guild halls, but I'd rather think positively--I've had too much negativity regarding guilds already.)

I wanted to come up with something that even a tiny guild like mine could accomplish, but still make it a significant investment in one's guild. What I've thought of is an achievement where guild members complete X-number of instances (dungeons, raids, and/or BG's) whether in a group or separately. Counting individual runs (rather than requiring a guild group) allows small guilds to earn their halls, while making it faster for larger, active guilds. If five guildies run a dungeon, they'll get credit for five runs at once.

I was originally thinking only on-level and Timewalking instances should count, but that punishes players who really just like to go to old instances for transmogs, mounts, or pets. However, since it's easy to spam a lower level dungeon on a high-level character, I would say count only one run per day for low-level dungeons and one per week for raids.

How many instances required for the guild hall would of course be up to Blizz, but I was thinking around 500. That's a significant amount, but not so many that it can't be done by a guild like mine (with really only two active members currently).

Anyway, I'm still going to continue my read-through of the original thread, but I wanted to put some new thoughts in this one as well. I have some other ideas for guild halls, but I'll save those for later. I hope other posters will add their own ideas for more improvements they'd like to see for guilds.

Of course, we all still want the permissions separated and removed from under the "is-officer" heading.
10/31/2018 05:36 AMPosted by Tarayn
Back home again in this cozy thread...

Good to see already 26 upvotes on the Blizzcon Q&A question!

MORE PLEASE! Ask everyone you know that's unhappy about this to vote on it!

We've been kind of led along for a while already ("tell us what isn't working", "we're talking internally", ...), but hopefully "If you see a question in this thread you would like an answer to, please feel free to "Like" or upvote it." is a comment they'll keep to and answer the question.


I upvoted and spread the link around a little bit. Thanks for posting it!

Also, thanks Ythisens. I assume it was you that unlocked the thread. (If I'm wrong, thanks to whoever did unlock it.) I hope this means that someone at Blizzard recognizes this is an important issue.
10/30/2018 10:19 PMPosted by Venjin
Hello Blizzard, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
I hear my fellow GM's weeping
Our controls messed up while we were sleeping
And the vision that we had for all our guilds
are with us still.
Within the sound of silence
In desperation we post here
A lack of change we all fear.
'Neath the words of your forums
We gather here to speak among our quorum
When our guilds were stabbed in the back by a bad pre-patch
our controls were snatched.
And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand guildies, maybe more
People talking without speaking
Blizzard hearing without listening
People writing posts that Blizzard rarely reads.
But trolls they feed.
And still the sound of silence
"Fools" said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear our words that you might fix it.
Enact ideas bit by small bit"
But our cries like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence
And the GM's found a friend
In the Blue named Ythisens
And Nobully flashed out his warning
In the words that he was forming
And the sign said, "The words of the DevGuys
Are written on the subway walls
And Blizzcon halls"
And whispered in the sounds of silence

* A lot of the original lyrics were apropos so I really didn't have to change much here...

This is the perfect song. I applaud you, sir. Have a s'more.
I'm not going to bring everything from Redux over here, but there were some excellent ideas for guild improvements posted there. I'm going to go ahead and quote a few of those now and then because I don't want them to get lost.

I thought this one from Mcuean was especially noteworthy:
10/28/2018 10:39 PMPosted by Mceuan
A simple way to invite offline players would be for the GM and/or officers (there's that pesky permission issue again) have a token they could mail to the character requesting the invite. The receiving character has the option to accept or decline the invitation associated with the token.

Solves the problem of people needing to swap around the GM of their bank guild, or when you finally have someone who wants to join your guild, and they are never on when you are.

Guilds need to have more incentives to do things together, and it needs to accessible by all manor of guilds, not just raiding ones. In MoP, running scenarios together was part of the weekly challenge, so why can't we do the same for Islands? Why aren't Timewalking dungeons part of the weekly dungeon challenge?

While we're at it, why can't I mass mail everyone in my guild on the same day? Why am I stuck with a roster that tracks Achievement points instead of ilevel? Why does the MotD load before system messages? Why don't I have some means of communicating with my guild ingame, instead of relying on Discord or Facebook or something else? Why can't I see several days worth of bank activity on the logs? Why can't I have an ingame means of tracking alts of people I've kicked? Crazy as it sounds, sometimes those people want to come back and be disruptive.

What happened to our guild/raid leader forums here? Why did we have to flee to Reddit and Facebook and Discord to chat with other leaders? When are you going to address the purpose of guilds and what their future is? Do you even have someone on staff who can speak into the needs of guilds and their role?

Link to the Redux thread in case anyone wants to see what all got posted there themselves:
Good to be back, maybe things are looking up. Ty for the extension! Keep it positive, we all are here cuz we love our guilds and love WoW now it's time for some love from Blizz so we all win =).
10/31/2018 10:57 AMPosted by Delirium
Ty for the extension!

10/31/2018 10:57 AMPosted by Delirium
Good to be back

10/31/2018 10:57 AMPosted by Delirium
maybe things are looking up

10/31/2018 10:57 AMPosted by Delirium
it's time for some love from Blizz

All those!


(Tomorrow back to posting useful and or semi-useful stuff. Pondering if I should re-post anything I put on the other thread over here now that we're back open for business.)
10/31/2018 05:59 PMPosted by Druunah
(Tomorrow back to posting useful and or semi-useful stuff. Pondering if I should re-post anything I put on the other thread over here now that we're back open for business.)
I know I was planning to grab at least one of yours and drag it over here, but feel free to quote yourself if you like. There were some really good ideas posted in the Redux thread that certainly bear repeating.
101 pages later and let me say i still don't like the guild UI.

before changing the old one, maybe someone could tell me what the new one "fixed" or made better?
10/31/2018 07:45 PMPosted by Fumel
10/31/2018 05:59 PMPosted by Druunah
(Tomorrow back to posting useful and or semi-useful stuff. Pondering if I should re-post anything I put on the other thread over here now that we're back open for business.)
I know I was planning to grab at least one of yours and drag it over here, but feel free to quote yourself if you like. There were some really good ideas posted in the Redux thread that certainly bear repeating.

Please feel free to quote me. I was feeling a little odd contemplating quoting myself.
9 hours have passed?

*lugs to top again*

*Huff* Separate...permissions....*huff*….customize...ranks.....Back in MY day....
I would be happy if the roster list was correct.. it shows names online that are not. lol
Is there a way to delete the persistent guild chat text, or make it go away faster?
11/01/2018 08:10 AMPosted by Ozrik
Is there a way to delete the persistent guild chat text, or make it go away faster?

Yes and no. There's no way to "make it go away faster" because it is permanent. But if you are a GM or have the "IsOfficer" box checked on your rank, you can delete chat messages. Open the guild chat log in the guild UI, then for the message you want to delete, right click on the person's name next to the message. It will pull up a menu. Under "Other Options," select "Delete message."

You have to delete each message individually, so it's pretty useless if you need to delete a bunch of messages. And it's completely useless if your goal is to clear the log on like a daily basis or something similar. (Blizz, please add these features.)
11/01/2018 08:10 AMPosted by Ozrik
Is there a way to delete the persistent guild chat text, or make it go away faster?

If you’re a GM or officer you can go through one by one and delete messages, but that’s it right now.

I wish we could have multiple chat channels with options for rank based access, and optional persistent chat options for all of them.

That and a return to how rank permissions were.

That would represent an objective improvement over what we have today.
I've avoided deleting any messages. Assumed that any drama from those messages would only be fueled by them becoming marked <deleted>. I could be wrong...

Does it seem spotty to anyone else anyway (history)? I don't think every single message is showing up from when I've been offline.

While I'd prefer that the history weren't there, I can say that I've not minded being able to see what was going on while I was offline in case there were issues.