The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 2)

He does very much play this game still. Just looking up his guild would have told you that both he and his guild are still going very strong.

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Regulators - Good Movie and they are about to do a third rendition of it.

Odd that the one in the post is shown as a lvl 120 that hasnā€™t been played since the level squish. Is that a forum glitch or what?

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The one that was quoted is no longer on the same server, based on the link Evilira posted that poster and their guild server transferred, with the character and guild name being the same but on a different server (original post made when they were on Hyjal, and now on Malfurion). Hence the original post that was being quoted is correctly showing a character hasnā€™t logged in (the showing as level 120 with the blank portrait), since the character isnā€™t on the server the forum character links to anymore.


i highly suspect discourse took away the ability to extend a thread to 20k. it was in a stealth update. thatā€™s why every thread suddenly got closed past the new 5k cap.


Well thereā€™s two truths at least to point out.

First blizzard has not really cared for guilds for a very very long time - I felt the most energy they expended on guilds was when they gave them ranks and then went that didnā€™t please people they said ā€œok well we are done thenā€

Secondly most guilds in existence literally across all realms are hot trash. They are mostly created from players that just want to be the boss of something and they have no clue what they are doing.

Iā€™ve played wow nearly 20 years both factions Iā€™ve had characters over those years on probably 20 different realms. Iā€™ve joined dozens of guilds . My feedback is my opinion of course but itā€™s pulled from experience. Social guilds that donā€™t talk arenā€™t helpful (fyi I offered the help more than asked for it btw) , raiding guilds might have some validity but they arenā€™t really needed anymore with communities discord friends lists etc .

So my philosophy is if a guild offers nothing to benefit your gameā€¦ why does that guild exist? Why do ā€œyouā€ stay in it?


I stay in ā€œmyā€ guild because it was the very first guild I ever joined. We had some great times. But personal problems split up the guild leaders. The one who inherited the guild (who also recruited me) has lots of health problems. The guild slowly died. Then, I think, the guild leader actually died. She hasnā€™t logged on in years, and the guild used to be her pride and joy. One day I logged in and was guild leader with no notice. (The original leader had not logged in to promote me, and I had no message from Blizz saying I could take over if I wanted. I was just in charge of a dead guild.)

So, in memory of my old guild leader, I stay in my guild.


Still trying to keep the conversation going.
I decided I had to quote this one because I miss Ythisens. He made me feel like someone at Blizzard cared. Of course, then they fired him.


However , I cant seem to get my old horde guild to allow officers to change the greeting of the day for example and I donā€™t know why. The paragraph has no checkmarks and I have no interaction with that page?

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Still here, still waiting.

I think we all are.

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Huh. That seems odd. You should be able to check the ā€œIs Officerā€ box and that will give officers all the listed permissions.

Now, if you want to give an officer just the permission to change the greeting but not all the other permissions, youā€™re out of luck. Thatā€™s exactly what this thread is about. Itā€™s an all-or-nothing option. You canā€™t split the different permissions up between different officers.

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I highly disagree. Iā€™ve rarely ever run into a bad guild.

Anecdotal, just as mine is within the same timeframe.

That doesnā€™t much have anything to do with the guild permissions, thoughā€¦ does it?


It kind of depends on your definition of ā€œbad guild.ā€ I think it usually comes down to more of a ā€œbad fitā€ than a bad guild. My guild had a rule about certain language in guild chat or during guild events. Some people might think that was too ā€œcontrollingā€ and thus it was a ā€œbad guild.ā€ But they were really just a bad fit for the guild.

But I 100% agree that guilds are NOT :

There may be some guilds like that, but in my experience, most guild leaders want help running their guilds. Which is precisely why we want granular permissions. We want to be able to spread out the tasks and not have anyone feel they are responsible for more than they can handle.


Iā€™ve been kind of busy, and posting on the forums is on the bottom of my to-do list. Actually, itā€™s scrawled on the back, under a grease stain.

Iā€™m not expecting theyā€™ll have any of the guild changes available in the beta, but if anyone has access, perhaps they could give it a look. Also, is there going to be a pre-patch? Theyā€™ve announced the expansion launch for August 26. I expect the guild changes before that.

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Iā€™m enjoying the Pandaria remix. Not so much enjoying the lack of guild permissions.
Still holding out hope weā€™ll see them fixed with the promised guild updates.

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I do hope that the guild updates include a restoration of the granular guild controls.

crosses fingers

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Gah! All my free time is taken up with the Pandaria remix. Iā€™ve no time to come here and post about the guild permissions. THIS WAS BLIZZARDā€™S PLAN ALL ALONG! Distraction to make us forget.

Well, I wonā€™t forgetā€“no matter how many glowy gold balls you hang in front of me.

Blizz, if granular guild controls arenā€™t included in the update, you might as well not have bothered ā€œupdatingā€ guilds at all.


Agreed. But none of this seems to be on their radar at all. And Iā€™ve heard nothing from beta about it, either.

All these years and it seems as if theyā€™re trying to kill the guilds, instead of helping them.

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absolutely no need to make a 2nd thread.