The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 2)

To educate you on this… the system created it, as the first one reached its max post count. It’s automatically created once that happens.


i never did like that system anyway

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Completely agree. They should have let us continue posting in the original thread. But, automated junk is automated junk. We can’t do anything about it.


I’ve had a quick look in beta and, so far, I can see no changes to guild UI at all. :frowning:

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were you expecting anything more?

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Hoping … that’s why we’re here, right? Hoping, with what little optimism we have left.

Expecting … not really.

It’s a bit sad really … I remember years ago I had such faith in Blizzard to always do their best and get it right, even if it took a while. I was a proper “fangirl”. Those days are now long gone :frowning:


i mean they havent touched it since it was launched back during bfa? at this point i stopped expecting them to care.

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But then they specifically mentioned guild updates - why would they do that if they’re not going to do anything? Other than cross-realm guilds, which they mentioned seperately, giving the impression that was two different things. Are they just taunting us now?


probably some real minor updates. just to shut people up so they can be like see we updated it.


The change happened without it being in the beta. It just appeared when the pre-patch went live back in 2018. I think that was for Legion, but it was so long ago I can’t actually remember.

Anyway, I’m not going to completely lose hope that the guild update will include granular permissions until the actual expansion launches–though I’m truly hoping to see changes in the pre-patch.

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Well… Guild Services Retiring (

Take that as you will

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I take it that either Blizzard are deliberately and blatantly trying to undermine and reduce the importance of guilds, or they’re completely oblivious to the damage they’re doing, constantly wearing down what guilds can and can’t do.

I honestly don’t understand their stance with regard to guilds. This is supposed to be a massive multiplayer game and guilds, as far as I’m concerned, are a major part of that. I know so many people - myself included - who just would not have played WoW for so long if it hadn’t been for guilds. So we’re literally providing a service to allow Blizzard to profit, for no profit - indeed a loss of both time and money - ourselves.

They perhaps think they’re simplifying things, and leading new guild leaders down a specific, easier, path - but in the process of doing that they’re taking away a lot of the control and annoying their more long-term customers in the process.


I take it that with cross faction guilds already being a thing, guild faction transfers was kind of moot.

To the guild server transfers, possibly cross-server support, with guilds not tied to a specific server, or remaining tied to a server but people can be in it/join it from other servers, and so as with cross faction guilds being a thing would make guild server transfers moot.


^Totally this.

I get that guilds aren’t for everyone. But it’s also true that there are many more types of guilds than mythic raiding guilds. Blizzard should never try to make guilds a one-size-fits-all proposition. The more we can customize our guilds, the better.


If the guild changes do not show in beta is it still possible the guild changes will still occur in Warthin?

Yes in TWW they can be, they are on the roadmap, changes will happen (whatever their form may be), they just have not been put in somewhere we can see yet.


Seems some on the community council have other opinions on guilds. I hope they can take a look at these posts from the last 6 years.

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Hello, hello, hello? Is there anybody out there? Can anybody hear me? I’m about to lose control.

My version of the song.


Guilds may no longer be mandatory just to see content, but they are still a great resource for players. And it’s a fact that many people have stuck around through droughts because of the friendships they’ve made in guilds. Blizzard should do everything they can to strengthen guilds, not break them up or make them redundant.


I’m really, truly, hoping for granular guild permissions to be included in the guild updates. We had the original thread going for almost six years. I’d be really glad to put this issue to rest in a few weeks. I’d rather not have to keep this thread going just so blizzard doesn’t forget that Ion said the change was unintentional and that they were working on a fix.

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