The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

07/17/2018 11:50 AMPosted by Osiris
Feel free to upvote / "like" my Q&A question on the topic - maybe we can get some attention come Thursday's Dev Q&A on twitch:

i like how its on the first page in the q&a thread, and they still completely ignore it, but yet have time to go over the same question twice, or oh a gnome camera angle changed omg must answer something that stupid.

the fact that this thread is most likely only replied to by guild masters and how small of a % of the population they are, should speak worlds to you bliz
Just making sure we are not forgotten!
It has been really disruptive for my guild, i dont normally handout "officer" status lightly, and now we suddenly have about 40 people with an officer star on them, lol. I just dont see how this seemed like a good idea, bundling things like editing notes with officer channel and deleting people messages? its weird...
Please immediately unbundle the various "Is Officer" permissions.
Here again to politely but firmly request the guild permissions changes be reverted for the 47 pages worth of pleas and valid reasons.

Are we really not entitled to something at this point in your opinion, Blizz? The very basic courtesy is due here. We are paying customers. We have taken time out of our lives for the past 2 1/2 weeks to maintain this thread. We know you have seen it.

Frankly, it's upsetting that we have no legitimate response to the actual problem after all the time and effort that has been put into this, and all the legitimate reasons we have given.

We know you guys are busy between prepatch and launch, but how much effort does it really take to say something like "Hey guys, we see you. We hear you. We are looking into this?"

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Once again pleading for Blizzard to re-visit these horrible changes and let our voice be heard.
08/03/2018 05:30 PMPosted by Trixiekoopa
Here again to politely but firmly request the guild permissions changes be reverted for the 47 pages worth of pleas and valid reasons.

Are we really not entitled to something at this point in your opinion, Blizz? The very basic courtesy is due here. We are paying customers. We have taken time out of our lives for the past 2 1/2 weeks to maintain this thread. We know you have seen it.

Frankly, it's upsetting that we have no legitimate response to the actual problem after all the time and effort that has been put into this, and all the legitimate reasons we have given.

We know you guys are busy between prepatch and launch, but how much effort does it really take to say something like "Hey guys, we see you. We hear you. We are looking into this?"


Pretty much this.
This is one of the most polite, constructive threads I've ever seen.
At minimum, I would like to see a revert to the old permissions, but there have also been a lot of great ideas in this thread as well.
Would love some sort of acknowledgement that we're being heard.
08/03/2018 06:02 PMPosted by Elypsis
08/03/2018 05:30 PMPosted by Trixiekoopa
Here again to politely but firmly request the guild permissions changes be reverted for the 47 pages worth of pleas and valid reasons.

Are we really not entitled to something at this point in your opinion, Blizz? The very basic courtesy is due here. We are paying customers. We have taken time out of our lives for the past 2 1/2 weeks to maintain this thread. We know you have seen it.

Frankly, it's upsetting that we have no legitimate response to the actual problem after all the time and effort that has been put into this, and all the legitimate reasons we have given.

We know you guys are busy between prepatch and launch, but how much effort does it really take to say something like "Hey guys, we see you. We hear you. We are looking into this?"


Pretty much this.
This is one of the most polite, constructive threads I've ever seen.
At minimum, I would like to see a revert to the old permissions, but there have also been a lot of great ideas in this thread as well.
Would love some sort of acknowledgement that we're being heard.

I can't agree with this more!
Please give us more tailored guild control.

I have the most amazing guildies who have been beyond understanding. They have stuck with me as I have been dealing with a very broken guild control settings system. They are what makes Blizz world turn. This is all trickling down to them now too.

It is heartbreaking for me because I do this for them. I do this to give them a good home. I just want them to have the best guild they can have and sadly I can't even give them what they deserve to have. Which is the absolute best.
Kinda skimmed the thread.... please blizz can we revert this change? It's a mess of oversimplification and removal of a system that wasn't actually broken.
Working on a Heroic KJ kill tonight I spent 20 mins at the end of the night explaining to some pugs on how to use the CommunityUI.

That said it does work I do have a community channel for raids however most of the time the pugs on the channel are offline since they are mostly alts. So yeah not as efficient as actually having a guild run.

As far as permission issue its still very frustrating and unneccessary since they guild permissions in no way effect the Community UI. Whoever thought the two should have similar permissions missed the mark and is costing GM's a lot of grief with this.

(Then I have to explain oh if you type /ginvite username they can be added.)

Its not fun having to explain to my officers that from this point forward they will have to do all the note changes and shouldn't touch MOTD or GUILD INFO.

Its not fun having to deal with arguments and kicking people because yeah the MUTE ability was removed.

Basically you broke all the ability we have to structure our ranks and control misconduct in the guild with the permission changes and its very tiring and not fun at all.

While I should be enjoying myself and this new patch/expansion I have worries that this change will not be reverted and I will not have as much fun anymore since now I have to deal with complaints from guildies and frustrating change for no reason.

This isn't about loot - this isn't about xp - this isn't about pet charms - this isn't about who burned the tree - its about Guilds and why they are important to the health of the community.

Please revert the change.
The removal of master looter along with the removal of control over guild ranks and permissions, and the removal of last logged on data (which really was so helpful) - I can only interpret it as Blizzard trying to eliminate guilds and push players into these communities that chat only. Do they want to be some kind of social media platform? No one pays $15 a month for that.
08/03/2018 11:56 AMPosted by Fumel

The main thing I'd like to know--and I think most people here would like to know as well--is that they are working on it. That the current guild UI is a work in progress, and not carved in stone. That our complaints are being heard and our suggestions being noted.

That's really all I want, for now.

They won't revert these changes. They spent a lot of money, time, and opportunity cost having a team implement these changes. If they were to revert them, someone would be admitting they made a huge mistake which cost the company money and time that could have been spent on something that improved the product/increased revenue.

Won't happen. Never happens.
08/03/2018 11:07 PMPosted by Greenstone
Working on a Heroic KJ kill tonight I spent 20 mins at the end of the night explaining to some pugs on how to use the CommunityUI.

I just link my discord man. No reason to use communities unless you're one of the players that don't have disc right now.
One thing I would like to add. I tried to leave guild on a toon on another realm and couldn't. I attempted the /gquit, went through the new guild UI and right clicked my name to leave and it didn't work, and even went through /groster to leave that way. I am literally being held hostage in this guild I no longer want to belong to. No one is online who can boot me because of the messed up guild permissions. I have held my cool but this is getting absurd. PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!
Just stopping by to see if a blue took the time to respond here, I was not let down as I expected this to continue being ignored.
I'd appreciate a response from Blizzard on the ridonculous All/Nothing of what they instituted.

As an aside, I did find that if I disabled my add-ons I was able to promote a couple of my guildmates (Swatter was giving LUA errors, dunno if thats been fixed yet). Hopefully that helps any GM/officer having troubles with LUA errors.
Dear Blizzard,

I totally get that you guys are really busy right now. The pre-patch has a lot of bugs that need fixing, and there's an expansion launch coming up fast. I'm sure many of you are doing 80+ hour work weeks right now.

I can understand that this guild permissions issue is not your top priority at the moment because you're dealing with so many other live problems and fixing things that will become problems on launch day.

And it's okay. I don't need to be your top priority.

Please just let us know that this is on your radar to be looked at Soon(TM). Though I definately prefer an ASAP resolution, I don't mind waiting until things settle down after BFA launch so that we can have a resolution that will actually work properly. As my grandpa used to say, "If something is worth doing, it's worth doing right."

And if this is just the way things will be, please let us know. We'll need to adjust the way we do ranks and promotions, and educate our guilds about what the new expectations are.

Right now, I don't need a proposed solution, or a timetable, or any promises about what will happen with guild permissions. But I do need to know if will get some attention Soon(TM), or if I need to expect this to be permanent or semi-permanent.
08/04/2018 06:56 AMPosted by Lilleth
I'd appreciate a response from Blizzard on the ridonculous All/Nothing of what they instituted.

As an aside, I did find that if I disabled my add-ons I was able to promote a couple of my guildmates (Swatter was giving LUA errors, dunno if thats been fixed yet). Hopefully that helps any GM/officer having troubles with LUA errors.

You don't have to disable Stubby.....just use /groster to open up the old window and make the changes there

Or make a macro with the following......

/run if IsInGuild() then if not GuildFrame then GuildFrame_LoadUI() end GuildFrame_Toggle() GuildFrameTab2:Click() end

That will give you an open/close button for the old window.
08/03/2018 11:41 PMPosted by Lomac
08/03/2018 11:56 AMPosted by Fumel

The main thing I'd like to know--and I think most people here would like to know as well--is that they are working on it. That the current guild UI is a work in progress, and not carved in stone. That our complaints are being heard and our suggestions being noted.

That's really all I want, for now.

They won't revert these changes. They spent a lot of money, time, and opportunity cost having a team implement these changes. If they were to revert them, someone would be admitting they made a huge mistake which cost the company money and time that could have been spent on something that improved the product/increased revenue.

Won't happen. Never happens.
Blizzard fixes things all the time. They really don't have that much trouble admitting mistakes (unless it never was a mistake and is "working as intended"). No, they won't "revert" it back to the old UI. But they can add functionality to the current one, and that's what I and others are asking.

Right now, guild management is a mess. It really can't continue this way. I know there are lots of other fires that need putting out at the moment. I'm just hoping that keeping this issue front and center will help it get fixed sooner rather than later.