The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

*cracks open bottle of permissions*

The permissions are gone, why are the permissions always gone...
07/25/2018 09:13 AMPosted by Greenstone
As a Guild Master I have been dealing with this since the new patch.

Basically I had to get rid of two of my ranks due to the changes.
My officers have more permissions than I intended for them to have now.
And my guildies can not do functions that they normally should be able to do.

1. Since the "IsOfficer" permissions are so broad, we can no longer set up different types of officer ranks. Normally in the guild we would have 2 or 3 different types of officers.

For example:
Raid Captains

Each rank would have a different job, each rank could only do certain things, and it would allow a Guild Master to reward individuals that have shown loyalty or interests in performing a job, giving them their own title.

2. Removal of the "MUTE" ability also destroyed the ability to stifle problems in a guild.

A mute rank is setup as the lowest permission rank.
Meaning when someone new is added to a guild by a non-officer who can not promote, they are in that rank until an officer promotes them.
Overall the mute rank is a way we have more control over who speaks in gchat so that we don't have spam or insults flying around.

For example:
A fight starts between 4-5 regular guildies over loot or something silly, something you know will pass, basically you can mute them in gchat and control the fight until they calm down. Rather than kicking 4-5 people for not following guild rules.

So the ability the mute a guild member is a double use ability. Removing or deleting chat from communities is not the same as muting someone so trying to equate the two is apples to oranges. Especially if its a fight between four or five individuals.

3. You no longer allow guildies to change their own note - only officers can do so which means now every time someone is added an officer needs to be involved - believe me that is not easy, I normally do the notes because my officers are not around half the time and my guildies tend to forget to do it.

4. On live currently (patch 8.0) Guildies seem to be unable to invite since they do not have the "isofficer" permission, the invite button is greyed out. Not sure if the actual /ginvite command still works for them.

5. The new Comunity UI panel is nothing but complaints from my officers and members, from missing people who are online, to being unable to check how many people are online, also being unable to invite to guild, or having chat channels being included.

For example:

ZONE - shows everyone's zone except those who are offline, for them it shows how long they have been offline, makes sense, except if you wanted to remove people now you have to contend with trying to figure out sorting order.

/JOIN Channel - The channels added this way do not show up in the community chat at all and rather than give you a way to merge a channel that previously was created into the chat it just creates a new community with that channel name.

Removed information such as the list of who has has achieved exalted with guild.
Removed information such as the number of people who are currently on versus the number characters in the guild.

People missing from the list even though they are clearly online and talking in party chat.

Basically we would have been better served if the old "Guild Roster" button was put on the bottom of the "Community UI" panel, and all the extra tabs were removed.

I have complained about these things on BETA, PTR and on LIVE but still no changes have been made or fixes done.
07/29/2018 03:30 PMPosted by Veendell
07/29/2018 02:48 PMPosted by Fumel
Right now, I imagine it's like trying to untangle 12 strands of X-mas lights.

And it very well may be but it would make all of this bearable if they could explain why this was done to begin with.
Agreed. My guild members are now wondering if we'll ev3n have any incentives in our ranks for people to want to rank up. As it stands, I can't give those permissions out individually and it makes me have to delete ranks.

Which is dumb.

The laziness of implementing things needs to stop.
Removal of the "MUTE" ability also destroyed the ability to stifle problems in a guild.
A mute rank is setup as the lowest permission rank. We called it the Time-Out room.
Overall the mute rank is a way we have more control over who speaks in guild chat so that we don't have spam or insults flying around. We gave officers the right to promote drunk people or people that were bad, to be governed by our Officers. Now if someone is acting up the only thing we can do is Kick them, this creates more drama then it is worth. Please bring back the "Mute" in the guild permissions
07/29/2018 03:58 PMPosted by Armoredra
Removal of the "MUTE" ability also destroyed the ability to stifle problems in a guild.
A mute rank is setup as the lowest permission rank. We called it the Time-Out room.
Overall the mute rank is a way we have more control over who speaks in guild chat so that we don't have spam or insults flying around. We gave officers the right to promote drunk people or people that were bad, to be governed by our Officers. Now if someone is acting up the only thing we can do is Kick them, this creates more drama then it is worth. Please bring back the "Mute" in the guild permissions
There isn't a way to turn off the ability for someone to speak in guild chat anymore? O.o How did I miss that?
We have over 1600 active accounts thru 5 guilds, that all the guild chats are linked thru addon called Greenwall, with out the ((Mute)) function I will have to give out more Co. GM spots, and run the risk of someone kicking out everyone in one of the guilds and take'n millions in gold......PLEASE bring back (((((MUTE)))))
Revert the Permission changes please.

Blizzard respect the idea that your users do have first hand knowledge of the situation and are not trying to sabotage your goals or your expansion. We just want to make sure that we can still play and organize our groups the way we have for the last 10 years or so.

We mean no disrespect to the Devs or anyone who came up with the Community UI its a great idea but as its currently implemented its trying to be the one size fits all of communication and community and its damaging the game right now as we speak.

Guilds whose structures apparently are more complex than my own since my server doesn't allow cross-invites of any nature are suffering because you have stifled the GM's ability to create ranks and mute users properly. Your current implementation also has bugs relating to inviting, officers changing notes, people showing as offline or missing completely because of server splits or whatever setting they have on

As of this moment I have spent more time on this thread typing and complaining than playing this past week. You have my logs of playtime you should be able to see what I do how much I am on. You should be able to see how much of my time I have dedicated to this issue as well.

Please I ask as a loyal consumer and concerned player and GM revert the permission changes and review the whole idea before BFA goes live and you lose tons of players over something so silly as not being able to mute, or not being able to work stuff properly in guilds.
Can we just be honest here.


They won't revert their changes, they never do. They have this perverted vision of the game that doesn't align with what players want or even ask for.

All they have done is stripped away functionality in the last two expansions that have existed since the launch of Vanilla. They don't give reasons for it, but we know its just less they have to maintain, less questions they have to answer and the less options you add to players the less they can do, which again turns out to less work overall for them.

What they did to the guild UI was pure laziness. There was NO thought, NO discussion, NO mention of the changes, just a broad change, asked for by no one, that resulted in a UI people hate and guild that is less functional now then it was when the game launched 14 years ago. It's amazing how, in todays age, we can do less with our guilds instead of more.

All we've ever asked Blizzard was for more guild control and all they did was take it away.

it's pathetic, it's lazy and there is NO excuse for it.
we like to have our Raider/mythic runners update their role and ilvl in their guild note, but now in order for them to do they have to be an officer or bug an officer every time they upgrade a piece of armor... W...T...F...
This guild permissions "re-vamp" shows strong similarity with the Loot Master change.
You can't re-define a defining part of your game without more input and discussion. Sure something like the details of xMB of data stored vs xMb of data transferred during game play to execute the permissions might be relevant, but if you don't even talk about it how are we to know?
Otherwise we have to expect the least from this change.
Please revert these changes immediately.
This has to be like my 10th bump & Still no update.... Rip Guilds
07/29/2018 08:55 AMPosted by Buliss
Guild rank permissions is what makes every guild go round.

It was a simple system in which guild masters could not only give progression towards those that remain in the guild, but help promote the one thing Blizzard is really trying to push right now. Community.

Guild events are events published towards the whole guild. They are not events in which a couple of guys go into a treehouse to talk smack about everyone else in the guild. It's not a secret club, or an officerial permission. GMotD is, but now we cannot give the Veteran rank permission to make guild events while limiting them from editing the GMotD, or info. Why? Because of this "Is Officer" super permission. This permission gives the following

  • Access officer channels
  • Remove people from voice chat
  • Delete other people's chat messages
  • Delete other people's guild events
  • View and edit officer notes
  • Edit public notes
  • Edit Guild Info
  • Edit Message of the Day
  • This is deceiving. It clumps so many privileges together and does not show what it actually takes away. That's already on top of the extreme limitations that are being forced onto guildmasters.

    Realistically, very few guilds are adapting well to this change. It is almost like depression. To keep running the guild, you have to put on a smile and pretend nothing's wrong. Beneath the mask, everything's on fire and all over the place. An absolute mess.

    Revert the changes please.
    There once was the option to share.
    Responsibility was spread, just and fair.
    'Til it was taken away,
    Now no time to play.
    Because of an "Officer" box so square.
    Hey all, again thank you all so much for keeping this thread going.

    Just wanted to share a workaround that I am currently using for my guild. In no way am I saying it works great or is a fix but I'm making the best out of what we got.

    I have created and intermediary rank between full officer and my core Raiders called veteran. Currently that has officer ticked BUT without the promote/demote/kick. So it allows people I trust to do the notes and such without having the ability to seriously harm my guild. Again I'm not saying it's perfect atall and I hate having to do it but I hope this can help at least one person alleviate some GM/officer stress.

    If anyone else has some workarounds they have figured out I would love to hear them thanks fam!
    Front page again!

    This isn't going way, and we aren't either! Guild permissions really need to be restored for numerous numbers listed again and again.
    This is the kind of leadership I expect from Ion.
    Please revert the changes immediately.
    Good morning blizzard hope you had a good weekend. Please feel free to revert the permission changes thanks.
    Blizzard, if you expect customers to continue to pay you, you need to provide them the services they are accustomed to from you or you need to communicate why you currently cannot and how long it will be until you can.

    Part of the business/customer relationship is EFFECTIVE communication. You did that (to a lesser degree) in the Mob Scaling thread. Here you have provided LIP SERVICE to an issue that has the potential to affect WoW's bottom line.