The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

The new guild UI and control panel is a slap in the face of guild leadership. It fits in the narrative of Blizzard removing choice from guild leaders (Personal Loot, we're looking at you).

Blizzard has been going down the path of undermining and disrespecting guild leadership for a few expacs now, all in the name of punishing bad guilds. The guild/raid leader forums were removed. Guild Perks were seriously overhauled and most removed. With the removal of Cash Flow (which I agree with), guilds farmed Highmaul for purple BoEs to sell. Then those went Personal Loot and were severely reduced in number when the next tier came out.

Nothing good has been put into place. The MOTD still shows up before the system messages, unless one uses an addon. The looking for guild UI is still its terrible, clunky old self. We still have to be online at the same time as the guild seeker in order to do an invite. The notes and officer notes are still very limited in number of characters. We're tracking achievement points now on the guild roster? Really? Why can't we track day they joined the guild, or iLevel or spec? Something actually useful?

Blizzard, who do you think helps keep players engaged during content droughts? Yup, healthy, active guilds with solid leadership. We're not the only reason, but a prominent one. Help us help you, and give us the tools that actually make our role easier, not more difficult.
07/27/2018 08:11 AMPosted by Mceuan
Blizzard, who do you think helps keep players engaged during content droughts? Yup, healthy, active guilds with solid leadership. We're not the only reason, but a prominent one. Help us help you, and give us the tools that actually make our role easier, not more difficult.

07/27/2018 06:49 AMPosted by Polgara
[quote]All of these great "suggestions" keep undermining the whole point of this thread...

Please FOCUS.

1. Bring back the original permission setup.
2. Bring back the original Guild Roster 1 button solution.

This will fix 90% of the complaints in this thread.
Quoting for visibility.

07/27/2018 09:45 AMPosted by Dynara
07/27/2018 08:11 AMPosted by Mceuan
Blizzard, who do you think helps keep players engaged during content droughts? Yup, healthy, active guilds with solid leadership. We're not the only reason, but a prominent one. Help us help you, and give us the tools that actually make our role easier, not more difficult.

Please revert the changes and end the cookie cutter bs
07/27/2018 08:11 AMPosted by Mceuan
Blizzard, who do you think helps keep players engaged during content droughts? Yup, healthy, active guilds with solid leadership. We're not the only reason, but a prominent one. Help us help you, and give us the tools that actually make our role easier, not more difficult.

Has anyone seen any ETA or plans to revert or improve the guild changes? It would be good to see some indication on the plans for guilds going forward as I believe they are essential to the lifeblood of WoW. For now I will enjoy the echo chamber they have made for us.
I yield my daily bump to both Mceuan and Æthelwulf. Both posts had extremely good pointers and insight into the deeper psychological problem this permission system has. Both receive an upvote from me. Here's hoping that with the recent hotfixes, they're getting ready to finally address the issues in this forum. If not, then we'll have to take the long campaign route. Hoping for option A, though.
Tell me why that isn't a good idea? If they have access to that chat then there shouldn't be a problem unless you're talking crap about someone behind their back and don't want them to see it.

Would you meet your friends at a restaurant that had microphones at all the tables recording everything that was said that could be played back by anyone who visited the restaurant in the future?
Keep this thread going!!! 33 pages and NO RESPONSE...unacceptable! We pay the money we expect a response. Guilds are the soul of this game, running one for almost a decade has been my pleasure, I LOVE WOW. These changes have undermined the very fabric of what WOW means to so many people. the guild is your family, your home, and a good home has structure. These changes further remove that structure that we have built up for oh so many years please PLEASE at least respond to our calls, show us (the ones who GIVE YOU MONEY) that you maybe care a little? TY
07/27/2018 09:45 AMPosted by Dynara
07/27/2018 08:11 AMPosted by Mceuan
Blizzard, who do you think helps keep players engaged during content droughts? Yup, healthy, active guilds with solid leadership. We're not the only reason, but a prominent one. Help us help you, and give us the tools that actually make our role easier, not more difficult.


Daily bump. Beyond annoyed into "never buy a game from blizzard again as they clearly decided they make too much money to care about player issues."
[ ] Is Blizzard Developer
- Has access to ALL Blizzard developer Slack channels. (D3, OW, HS, HoTS, WoW, Destiny2, CoD)
- Can remove people from channels. ("Am I not a developer on Diablo anymore?")
- Delete other people's chat messages. ("I posted that card art in Slack for the team's approval, where did it go?")
- Delete other people's scheduled events. (What Overwatch meeting?)

If you ran your office like you expect us to run our guilds, NOTHING would ever get accomplished.
There was reason for Guild masters to have that granularity in assigning permissions in the first place. The reason has not changed. Why has the code?
So again to point out the main issues:

1. Bring back the original permission setup.
2. Bring back the original Guild Roster 1 button solution.

This will fix 90% of the complaints in this thread.

> New Permissions UI:
> Old Permissions UI:

As for any of the other suggestions thank you for them I have added my own earlier but some of you like to write as if this is a college thesis paper and every nuanced reflection you make will improve our situation.

To be honest all these suggestions do is muddy an already a difficult decision for the Devs.

If your house is on fire you do not try to figure out how to redesign it at that moment you put out the fire first.

In other words: PLEASE FOCUS!

Be practical and help us with this situation raise your voice up and put in tickets in the game regarding this problem.
07/27/2018 07:32 AMPosted by Carthorinn
07/27/2018 06:46 AMPosted by Greenstone
All of these great "suggestions" keep undermining the whole point of this thread...

Please FOCUS.

Bring back the original permissions setup, the current setup does not allow us to maintain and work as traditional guilds which use tiered based rewards and have fine control over who can do what in guild.

I respect everyone who has put forth ideas but unless the main problem is fixed none of those ideas will actually help the situation we are in.

The fact that the current Community UI is smashed into the Guiid UI like an undead abomination that it is well it just makes this whole thing harder.

So again to point out the main issues:

1. Bring back the original permission setup.
2. Bring back the original Guild Roster 1 button solution.

This will fix 90% of the complaints in this thread.

If we have the opportunity to make the system and the game better we should take it the old system was flawed.... We are just trying to move forward so please don't get disrespectful and minimize our dedication to this cause. I am sorry that you feel we are bombing the thread trying to make suggestions but when they read through this they may start working on improvements for the greater good. Restoring the old way is a band-aid in my opinion.

They need to restore the original guild functionality to move forward. The problem is that this change was a step backward. One step forward is what we had. The next step after that might be an improvement but first we need to atleast get back to where we started.

Keep in mind the guild permissions have been pretty much the same for over a decade and they just all of a sudden made a major change to this that effects guilds that have been around for over a decade.

This mentality of taking away things for no reason and no warning appears to be the new style of game design that is spilling in to all parts of the game.
07/27/2018 07:47 AMPosted by Carthorinn
07/27/2018 06:50 AMPosted by Kanstilxd
Forever trying to figure out why the hell a Blue would post saying he extended the pages and not give any feedback to our feedback or reasons behind why they did it... seriously?

Well if you had scrolled through the thread you would see where I said .... He is basically a forum monitor. He cannot give you an answer he doesn't even have. He can simply pass this thread on to the right people and even than it going to take a while for them to answer. I don't want them rushing to answer us and promise something they can't implement. I rather they take time to read through this thread to see what people want... This is exactly what we don't need in this thread. Please stop bashing blues and make suggestions.

Let me ask you something... what suggestions are there to be made? He just needs to take a little walk to the dev room and tell them to revert back to the old toggle settings you could pick... not rocket science
I'd love to hear whether or not something's being done at least. I don't want to completely restructure my guild (which would involve bumping the ranks of hundreds of people around) just to have this reverted. I also don't want to put it off with new people and alts joining ahead of the expansion if nothing's going to get done.
I have posted this thread on facebook's wowhead page and world of warcraft page. I do not know if they will allow it to go through but maybe if we reach out further than just the wow forums more people will see and respond to this issue.
For heaven's sake, revert these guild changes.
Excellent idea Greenstone. Let's hope we will have an answer soon.
Fantastic thread OP! I really appreciate the effort everyone and you are putting into this. We can only hope Blizz will acknowledge us...

I've played since Dec 2004, continuously subbed, got the little statue after the 10 years of continuous subbing (And BTW Blizz...I know you like treating us well. Something's just gone wrong lately...), been an officer in guilds on my one and only server since 2010, and formed my own guild 3 years ago. All along the way I felt supported by Blizz: from free game time when servers would go down in Vanilla, item restoration, managing drama with other players, hell even in making direct suggestions to me about how to best create, give permissions, and manage a successful guild! I know it's easy to forget all the love they have showed us along the way...I want to still believe they will come through and listen to us.

I'm disappointed in seeing guild controls nerfed...we're never lost functionality in the game. Blizz has always added features not removed them! WTH! I also have posted on our realm forums and in general forums here. Someone has to be paying attention!

Feel free to give my posts a thumbs up/bump so they don't simply disappear. I will gladly do the same for you all, just post the link. That's something we can do across the forums to make sure we are heard. I think creating new "duplicate" posts may get posts locked so be careful all...BUT we do need some attention paid to this sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...

Again, thanks OP!
Sent many messages on twitter today but no response.

It's getting frustrating.