The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Not too much activity here. Everyone must be enjoying the game. At least, I hope that’s the case, and not that everyone has just given up entirely. It’s already April. Not that much longer before we find out if a permissions fix is included in the guild updates. :crossed_fingers:

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Our activity here vastly dwarfs the activity of returning granular guild controls.

Still here, still waiting.

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Now, now. We don’t know that they haven’t been diligently working on fixing this problem from the moment it cropped up.

It just dang sure seems like it.
(Gonna be super disappointed if the updates don’t include a fix though.)

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I enjoyed the updates to Nobel Garden. Got the mount. (I think they raised the drop rate partway through.) Makes me more hopeful that the guild updates might actually be worth something. Still won’t be convinced they’ve done anything with the permissions until I see it in game.

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I did too, but it took 103 tries, so they didn’t raise it a lot!

Plunderstorm is kind of growing on me… possibly like a fungus, of course.

I’m interested to see where this remix of Pandaria lands!

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I may have to give it another try. I despise PvP with all my being though. I don’t really care if I get killed, but I don’t want to kill other players. Still, I think it was a cool thing for Blizz to try, especially for those who like PvP.

It’s nice to see not everything is a complete botch-up like the permissions.

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Well, five tries, and I’m about two-thirds to renown 2. Don’t think I’m gonna finish the Plunderstorm rep while it’s still up.

Maybe fixing the permissions is like getting rep in Plunderstorm and that’s why it’s taking so long.


It worries me a little that there have been no mentions of what the “guild updates” will entail. I’ve been assuming this might include our long-awaited fix for the permissions, but the operative word is “might.”

Even though I’ve been trying to keep my expectations in check, I know I’ll be deeply disappointed if our granular permissions aren’t restored with these updates. Ion told us they were working on a fix, and this is the first time since then that they’ve actually announced any kind of guild changes. So, even though I really should know better, I keep thinking this might be “it” at last.

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Most things for the expansion have not been detailed yet.

They did double the rep gained in Pluunderstorm with this reset! Let’s hope they increased guild fixing as well…

(If you want to try to get Plunderdone, but don’t want to be bad alone, I’d be happy to be bad in duo with you!)


I appreciate the offer, but I’m not sure I’m going to do it anymore. I may give it another try, but I have so much else on my plate, it’s hard to find time for stuff I like, let alone stuff I hate. I’m trying to find a mindset that will exult in small victories. (Hey! I wasn’t the first to die this time!)


Warbands are coming, yet there is still no info on the guild changes that hopefully will see a return of granular guild controls.

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I have decided I’m okay if they don’t tell us anything about the guild changes until they go live–as long as they give us granular permission options with the changes. I mean, I’d be delighted if the told us ahead of time the permissions are fixed, but it’s more important that the fix happens than we get told about it ahead of time.

I don’t even want to think about how I’m going to feel if they make a bunch of changes but don’t include permissions in the changes.

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Yes , It should be broken up in to a Few paragraphs , with separate check marks, so you can scale permissions better, I completely agree.


why are they allowed to delete people’s messages to begin with? lol

if you can’t delete your own messages in-game but GUILD officers can? h u h

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Because some people write things that don’t need to be seen by everyone in the guild. It’s important for guild chat to match the type of guild, and sometimes one has to step in to keep it that way. But everyone should be able to delete their own messages no matter what.

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Gosh. It’s not even the end of April yet. It’s a long wait to find out if the guild updates are going to bring a fix for the permissions.

Then again, it’s not as long as we’ve already waited.


I’m so antsy! I want to know how they’re breaking… er… updating guilds this time around!


I loled.

Until I realized it was too close to the likely truth for it to really be funny.


Gallows humor is still humor!