The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

yes. under application status we need a remove applicant option. I’ve several that have been there now for over 4 years as “approved” i don’t mind if they’re there for a few months, life happens. but after a year they can reapply


Totally agree with this. Not everyone minds having applicants hanging in there for years (I know I don’t care), but the option to remove them should still be available. GM’s need options to run their guilds as befits them, not be jammed into a one-size-fits-all box.


I don’t expect the announcement about the upcoming expansion will mention anything about guilds, but I hope that doesn’t mean there will be no guild improvements coming. At the very least, the problems with the permissions should have gotten some attention.

Yeah, I know. We’ve thought that before with a new expansion, haven’t we?


Just keeping this post alive.

I wonder how many other combined posts remained active with a similar age and amount of posts?

Oh and by the way, return granular guild controls.


We always gotta keep it on topic, right? :+1:

I sometimes wonder if I’m crazy for continuing to hope we’ll one day get our permissions back. And the fact is, my guild is completely dead. Only myself and my sister have logged on in years. Somehow I ended up as GM without using the dethrone feature. I guess it must automatically kick in if the GM doesn’t log in for a few years and there’s someone available to take over. Or maybe it was a bug, I dunno.

In any case, not having granular permissions doesn’t actually affect me–except it does prevent me from even trying to bring my guild back to life.


Like Walkerbo, I’m posting to keep the thread alive. I know we’re not supposed to bump just to keep a thread going, but I feel as if keeping this thread alive is also keeping WoW alive. A few of us still care enough about the game to want to get things fixed so it can thrive once more. Guilds and guild permissions are part of the things that need fixing.

I feel like Blizzard’s neglect of our problem is an echo of their overall neglect of WoW, and any attention to correcting this issue would show they’ve taken interest in the game again. I don’t know what they’re going to announce on April 19, but I’m hoping it will be exciting and herald Blizzard’s renewed commitment to WoW (and guilds).


Who knows, with Cross Faction confirmed coming in the next patch, and hopefully likely Cross Faction capable guilds later on, maybe when that occurs and the likely ‘opt-in to allow cross faction guild members’ option that would accompany it, could maybe get them looking at permissions again in general.


I’m from the future and I have some bad news about anything getting fixed. In fact things are gonna break that aren’t even related to what’s getting patched!


I don’t think that’s from the future, that’s kind of the way WoW’s always been. And it’s actually what happened with our permissions in the first place. I still don’t understand why we can’t have check boxes for separate permissions. If not that, then an “Advanced” settings tab for those who want to drill down and assign separate permissions.


Customization and control, that’s the goal of any user interface, and that’s what’s lacking with these unintended changes. Please revert.


Preach it, sister priest.

I would really like this issue to be fixed before we hit five thousand posts in this thread (which is sort of why I try not to post daily). I have a feeling I’m going to be disappointed.


Absolutely bonkers that with the size of this thread we still don’t have an “advanced” option to restore granular permission control to guild leaders who want it. I find it absolutely infuriating that I cannot let all my trusted members who can invite also set guild notes, to identify alts or whose friend someone is.

By all means, leave the “is officer” checkbox as the default but for the love of money, let us have advanced permissions back!


After seeing this Blue Post today, I was motivated to write this in our Guild/Community Discord:

Guildies: I’m feeling this is the game changer and that soon Communities will replace guilds. YOU, as a Guildie are valued and needed! However, I want you all to be prepared for possible changes ahead. We will adapt and change but more than anything, let’s be like Al Green and Stay Together! We have awesome new friends and many ways to get things done now. The path forward looks promising and I just want to remind everyone, especially Guildies: You’re valued more than ever!

No offense to anyone or the thread but I feel like I have been a consistent participant. This is my feeling at this point and I’m alerting our guild now versus later. We are not losing, we are changing imo.


:+1: Yes, you have.

I, for one, am not willing to give up on guilds yet. Communities and guilds are different things, and I feel it’s wrong for Blizzard to conflate the two. I truly can’t see communities being able to replace the camaraderie of guilds. Perhaps that sort of bonding isn’t something Blizz values any more, even though it’s what keeps many players logging on.

You are wise, Che, to look ahead and plan for any eventuality. I hope you can keep your guild intact no matter what lies ahead.


Hello everyone,

I’m checking in again to make sure my voice is heard. Everyone contributing to this discussion needs to keep doing so, as well as convince others to post here and like comments. It takes very little effort to stay engaged with this.

As of now, I have only assigned a couple people in our guild with the “Is Officer” check box since there are certain permissions I will not assign to 99% of members. As a result, those 99% of guildmates don’t have access to features I think they should have, such as editing public notes. This is because eight privileges are all lumped together in a one-size-fits-all definition of “an officer,” as defined by someone at Blizzard. This is a problem.

I’ve been playing WoW since March of 2005, raiding since Molten Core of 2005, and leading our guild as guild master since TBC in 2007. I’ve been developing as a leader and manager for 14 years now. I know our guild and how to effectively manage it, not some stranger at a company who knows nothing about us. That’s as politely as I can say it. Please get out of the way of myself and other guild masters.

Please give us the individual permission customization we had prior to patch 8.0. That’s all I’m asking for. Guilds have been less fun and more cumbersome without granular permissions. Guilds already have many challenges to deal with in modern WoW, as Blizzard has removed incentives to be a part of a guild and added incentives to do otherwise, such as through group-finder systems, overtuned mythic raid content, and many other things.

For further recommendations to help guild management, add a complete log/record system for the guild bank so the guild master can keep track of cumulative records on gold deposits, gold repairs, gold withdraws, item deposits, and item withdraws. Make it sortable by player. If WoW developers can create and maintain a statistics tab with all kinds of totally useless information for my character’s history, they can add a feature that lets me keep track of guild bank records. That would actually help guilds and their leaders manage things like donations rather than have to make Google sheets and such.

Please address this problem. This thread began on July 17, 2018. We’re now at January 5, 2022. That’s absolutely absurd. A shame, really. I’m loyal to the game, the product, and the company. There’s an expectation of that being returned by listening to the feedback of the guild masters who keep many communities running and raiding alive. A lot of people who still play this game are hanging on by a thread. Stop alienating your players.

Many other recommendations to help guilds have already been provided in this thread. The information is here. You have what you need, and the “discussion” has already occurred. Read it, and pass the information along to the next group of people who need to make the corrections. Failure to do so will just further the stereotypes of poor communication and the apparent growing disregard for the guild community of WoW.

Regarding “communities,” I believe they are going to create new types of problems for guild leaders and managers such as myself. I have people on our mythic raid team that want to swap to Alliance when cross-faction comes out, but from what I understand, cross-faction players can’t be in the same guild. If I have both Horde and Alliance players on my mythic raid team, and I can’t manage them all under one guild, it’s going to create gigantic headaches for me in various ways. For starters, it’s going to further distance players from each other, which will continue to slowly degrade teamwork. It’s going to hurt cohesiveness and encourage players to further move into their own Discord servers and “communities.” It’s going to create more cliques, and this will make guild and raid team management harder and harder, which isn’t a sustainable team gameplay model, which is what raiding is all about, especially mythic raiding.

It feels like the Blizzard team is just totally unaware of what’s going on with their players.

I will continue to check in here until the change is made. Everyone else needs to do so, too.

GM of Obsidian Spur - Thrall realm
2004 Horde launch guild


Time to poke the horse again. We have a bit under 200 posts to go before this thread hits 5000 posts. There’s a large part of me that thinks this will occur before anything happens to fix our permissions. I also fear Che is right about Blizz abandoning guilds for communities. None of this makes me feel good about the future of WoW.


i think they forget guilds are communities. this would be their way of avoiding doing their job imo. much like everything else, avoid doing a task that’s been discussed now for what? 3-4 years now? nearly? much like them avoiding saying they can’t do player housing when the coding was there since WoD. the coding is there for guild permissions they just need to quit being lazy and find it


I don’t think it’s as much laziness as it is corporate greed/penny pinching. Everything done to the game requires paying someone to do it. I don’t know what kind of workload the devs have, but I’m sure their in-boxes are always full. I don’t blame them for the things that haven’t been fixed, I blame management. (Looking at you, Ion.)


that too. they’ve been hemorrhaging devs like mad last few months, they need to open up the purse strings and hire talent. i still stand by the “lazy” though


Just want to point out: I said two years ago, they would never fix this, but they would allow this thread to continue till the end of time.

I hate it when I’m right…