Permissions are still broken. Communities continue to be swiss cheese.
Do you have any intentions or plans to communicate with us Blizz, or fix these issues? Or will you continue to be outclassed by every other MMO while you dig your heels in and refuse to admit the systems you make with every expansion cause more frustration and unneeded complication?
We’re still here. I want this game to succeed, but it seems like every expansion there are new ways I’m disappointed. Yes, I could ‘just unsub’, but I have friends who I enjoy playing with. And I want to believe that the devs and those higher up who make these decisions will pull their heads out of the sand and realize that the current conjecture is dooming them.
It starts with the ‘small’ things. Like communicating with your community- not just when you have shiny new things… but when you owe them feedback. Especially when you owe them feedback.
Seriously, you just wrote exactly how I feel about WoW right now. Are they even trying to fix the guild problems the newly merged realms have run into? This is lamentable.
Why fix what isn’t broken? I don’t understand the mentality behind this, other than to think it may be someone given permissions in Blizzard to change things who shouldn’t be. This is very short sighted. Perhaps Blizzard needs to look at their own permissions and focus on those rather than mess with ours.
It is broken, though- Ion admitted it in an interview that what happened with guild permissions was an unintended consequence and that they were working to restore granular permissions. That they ‘wanted additional feedback’. They’ve since given us radio silence while communities themselves are literally coming apart at the seams. Considering this was a feature they were quite excited about, the fact that they don’t seem to care about the fact that the infrastructure is borked is… unfortunate.
Are there a lot of other issues that need addressing? Absolutely! And I do think Blizzard needs to do a lot of internal … soul-searching, for lack of a better? They need to remember what made this game fun, and not be afraid to go back to their roots instead of constantly trying to re-invent the wheel. But it doesn’t mean I’m not going to continually remind them that they very specifically asked us for our feedback so they could tackle this issue, and I have every intention of holding them to their word. Even if they won’t hold themselves to it.
Perhaps I misinterpreted, but I actually took Zysis’s comment to mean something along the lines of:
“Hey Blizz! Why’d you go and try to fix what wasn’t broken by messing around with our guild permissions? I just can’t wrap my mind around that sort of thinking! Blizz, you need to do some very careful self examination and focus your attention on that, instead of tinkering around with our guild permissions were you are not invite nor wanted!”
I saw no changes to the problems caused by the mergers when I was online earlier. I’m hoping tomorrow’s slightly longer maintenance will solve the issues, though I fear the extra time is only a Shadowlands prep.
It really sucks that instead of having the permissions fixed, I now have multiple other broken things to deal with. I can’t even see or invite applicants to my guild through the guild finder! Yeah, if anyone’s wondering where my optimism went, it took a critical hit from Blizz.
This is one of the most important things in the game. An MMO relies on people being able to play together, to me it goes against the terms of the service they are providing the consumer. If only, right?
The huge issue here is that the best and most important time to recruit is after a merge, and around the start of a new expansion when a lot of players are returning. We have both situations here, and our ability to recruit is cut off at the knees, with no indication when (or even if) this will be fixed. I do NOT want to abandon this guild and start a new one simply because they refuse to fix a core problem.
Very disappointed to say the problems caused by the recent merger were still there when last I checked.
I’ve been posting in this thread all along to prod Blizz into fixing the problems they caused when they introduced the communities feature. It’s beyond belief that they’ve actually managed to make things worse.
I was wondering about not being able to see the applicant history and such also I have noticed a LOT of random people in guild from different non connected realms showing up in my guild roster. I reached out to support and she removed them the first time since I had no option to kick them but now there are more…idk what they are doing with guilds but I hope it’s fixed soon
This is very odd. I wonder if they are in similarly named guilds?
One does have to wonder what is going on over there at Blizz HQ. Or maybe the issue is people working from home? Supervisors aren’t able to keep an eye on what folks are doing? People can’t check that what they’re doing is interfering with what a co-worker is doing?
Nah. It’s probably that no one gives a fig anymore and they’re just throwing out whatever and seeing if it sticks.
Aside from the permissions and UI being total crap, has there been any more push to revamp the Guild achievements, guild challenges, benefits for guilds? I mean outside of the cookie cutter stuff for dungeons, nothing has been added since Pandaria.
Personally I feel like Loot Master for a guild-only run should be an option, not a forced issue but an option.
And finally, give us some slack on the roster. 999 characters max when there’s only 40 people in the guild with a shizzleload of alts. How about max 200 players and just give us a Player profile with all the alts they have in the guild. Something, anything? Hello? Blizzard are you still there? Crapping out a new expac every two years but not paying any attention to the mechanics that exist within the gaming community.
Been gone a while… glad to see Blizzard have made good strides into fixing all the prob… oh, sorry… wrong universe.
Here I see more of the same as when I left (and yes, Che, the guild / communities issue was the factor–Us D&D’ers from the old neighborhood like to actually know the parties we viking with).
I’ll likely stick around to see what SL brings, for better or worse…
But something new doth enlighten on the horizon:
Want to know what happened to the Heart and Soul of Blizzard? Point a Google at Dreamhaven…
Wow…you all know when you type my name it sends me a tell in forums right?
I’m not really sure what I need to respond to here…thank you for not trolling? I think? You’re advertising another game here? Cool, hope it all works out…?
Not sure why I’m even mentioned here? Well…it is true I’m the only interesting, Blue-responded one out of this bunch so ok…I get it
I don’t know about Roguewit, but I’ve always known that mentioning a poster gives them a tell. Actually, since Rogue was “speaking” directly to you in his post, he’s probably very well aware of it, too. I don’t think you needed to respond (anymore than you need to respond to this post) but I always like it when you do. Keep up the good work!
I mention you by name, so that you can now say that you know someone–a guildmaster, no less, that has quit the game specifically for that reason. Wouldn’t want you to be accused of misrepresenting that, after all…
Still looking for Blizzard to fix Guilds / Communities – either by forward progress or reversion… you know… along with the other plethora of plaguing issues (oooo… bad pun, no cookie).
And I’m not advertising another game, just sharing what Mike and Amy Morhaime are up to these days–and it bodes well for all gaming.
I still cannot access the applicants or applicant history for my guild. Is this ever going to get fixed? What is the point of having the guild finder if you can’t use it? I feel like Blizzard’s priority is to merge realms no matter what chaos ensues.
I had a 120 character on Khadgar who was deleveled to 43 because of the recent merger fiasco there. Blizzard did fix her after a couple of days (no biggie, I was just healing BfA dungeons with my friends when this happened ). But now she has no guild. Her guild isn’t listed in the finder and the only folks she could contact in it don’t have permission to invite. Since it’s a mostly dead guild, I guess she’ll just look for another.
But all of these problems are just more nails in the coffin.
I just gotta say, this has grown into THE biggest thread I’ve EVER made and I’m flabbergasted…
And the funny thing is it hasn’t really gone that far off topic from 2! years ago.
I do want to add a somewhat related comment that I really don’t see the purpose of server merges when they could just give people 6 months of free character moving and shut down 30% of their servers which apparently are dead enough to warrant these mergers… Why would I want to create a character on a server that shares space with another server? That sounds asinine.
It takes them 10 minutes at most to migrate a character from one server to another in my experience. Give people time to log in and queue their characters for a move to a list of designated “populated” servers and then shut down the ones you don’t need and store them for future use if WoW ever gets up to 15 million some-odd subs.