The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

07/24/2018 03:48 PMPosted by Osiris
07/24/2018 03:44 PMPosted by Brewmistress

If only Blizzard had some way of communicating directly with a concerned playerbase...
I know, I've got it! What if we had 'forums' where we could describe our complaints 'threads', we'll call them, where people with similar issues can discuss levelheadedly potential solutions that the developers could even peruse for ideas, if any good ideas were to be had!
And on Sundays, all the really stupid people could come out and post really stupid things.

*sigh* no, you're right, that's a terrible idea. I'll just have to keep thinking about it.

Get where you’re coming from for sure - sometimes it’s easier in the moment to respond to a PM or message vs. come to the forums - slap your blue posting influence on a thread - when you don’t have anything of value to add yet. Not defending the lack of blue response here, but I’m personally ok with holding out for a quality response vs. a “we hear you but don’t have any plans or changes in the pipe.” type response.

It's been a week. I'm running out of hope that they will fix this. :(