The New Gilneas…

Better not be all bright and alliancey. I’m gonna be bummed out if it isn’t dark, rainy, and werewolf-like.


I love the art design in this zone! This zone was gold on launch and still sexy today.


Setting all my Alliance toons’ hearths in 3…2…1…


That is if the Forsaken and Calia didn’t blight it, as we can see in the video Blizzard released today.

Don’t worry. The blight will clear up on its own in a century or two.


I’m not into gloomy atmosphere myself, but I can’t wait to RP in that big church where you hide in the water during worgen questline. It’s pretty.

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I’m guessing it’s still going to be dark and gloomy just cleaned up and more populated. Would be neat seeing the earthen ring and the Druids putting the land back together as a lot of Gilneans lost their homes and fields when it cracked off and fell into the sea during Cata


Sorry, the gnomes have a whole bunch of 6000-watt light bulbs and they gotta put them somewhere.


Gilneas has a lack of holes so they should be able to live their full lives out there. :thinking:


They just found the cure for blight.

It’s kaiju.

Kaiju beats blight lol


And so Gilneas was renamed…Puppy Land!


Prays we get tails from the gilneas storyline


New Gilneas and the Worgen have the best starting zone. It’s one of the only real starting zone stories. Most starting zones are told only though the quests, this one was far more dramatic.

It will be fun to go back.


I hope it is dark, elegant, moody, rainy, ( lot’s of thunder, lightning and showers) but with a few cozy inns with nice fires and medieval type music inside…


It’s going to need to be rainy. My understanding is there are going to be more fire hydrants in that zone than NPC’s. We’re talking hydrants on every corner, sometimes even half way down the block! It’d cost the city a fortune to keep it clean. Problem is with rain, wet dog smell is going to be inevitable. and we know how y’all fReAk OuT when someone turns on a hair dryer.

It’s going to be a challenge is all I am saying.


Oh jeez they need to leave it as it is. I absolutely love the vibe.

I saw a werewolf with a Draenei menu in his hand.
Walking through the streets of Gilneas in the rain.
He was looking for a place called Velen Fooks.
Gonna get a big dish of Orc chow mein.

Ah woo!


Awooo! Worgen of Gilneas. Awooo!
He’s the hairy handed gent who ran a muck in Darnassus. Lately he’s been overheard in Thaldrazus. Little old forsaken got mutilated late last night worgen of Gilneas again.


They did blight it though.
Back in Cataclysm.

That’s literally why they had to abandon the city.

— The blight-fog dissipated by the end of the expansion, to which it was overtaken by the Twilights Hammer & a black dragon aligned with them who was in-hiding (To which a rogue managed to assassinate before the fall of Deathwing).

What events followed in the city thereafter in the city is unknown (Although I wouldn’t be surprised if the cult re-blighted it to cover their tracks) …

However it’d be cool to see even just vague or small references of the city’s past, like:

  • A faded Sylvanas / Forsaken banner graffitied on a wall :skull_and_crossbones:
  • Worgen bones
  • Earie ghosts of the past (both Horde & Alliance alike) that fade in & out throughout the city.
  • Broken Night-Elf glaive throwers & shattered Forsaken plague-bombers here & there lying around.
  • An open manhole that leads into an abandoned underbasement, with unlit candles or knocked over candles around a ritualistic rune on the ground and a rusted Twilight’s-Hammer statue looming over it (with a glowing orb nearby that teleports you to the centre of the city to get out). :sparkles:
  • Perhaps other features of who (or what) has resided or taken temporary refuge within the city … :thinking:

And yeah, alongside the reclamation of Gilneas, it’d be cool for the questline to give the Worgen TAILS customisations to unlock in celebration alongside with the reuniting to their homeland. :yum:

I wish you were writing on the WOW team.

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