The new feral tree is... garbage

Probably just need to readjust, you shouldn’t be seeing any major differences in AOE DPS and should see a somewhat significant ST DPS increase.


Always bad or bad meets worse? Eating dirt doesn’t sound so bad if the only other option is eating poo. People don’t post when they r happy w changes. The post when they aren’t.

BfA was pretty bad.

But you’re not seeing a 50% nerf like you were claiming from 70-80k overalls to 36k

Some dungeons are just better for certain pulls. AA and NO I can pull 120k on some pulls and end 50-60k overall for the dungeon. Others i’m struggling to break 70k and end up overall near 40.

I haven’t noticed a “noticeable” change in my DPS. I feel i’ve gotten a little stronger since patch.

I actually did a +14 key today and did pretty well, so I feel better :P. I’m almost wondering if there was extra lag or bugs on the launch day, because I also felt really squishy too. But then again, maybe those first couple keys I did after the patch were just with horrible people!

Also, adjusted my play a little to try and get more bites in.

Either way, though, I still miss the pre-patch feel, but I’ll find a way to adapt. I always have with feral being my main for forever.

Agreed. The new talents feel awful. Running m+ as Feral is super gimped.

I had to make a few adjustments to talents in order to balance out my damage more.
Honestly can’t remember what I changed outside of rotation. Primal wrath for days in aoe, but ST I started doing rips and bites instead. Able to hold around 100k aoe and 40-45k single target at 396 item level and 58% Mast, 25% crit, and haste/verse are hanging around 8-10% iirc.
It’s early and my coffee hasn’t soaked in yet.
For comparison, before patch I was doing the PW on everything rotation and hitting 100k+ aoe and 35-40 st in most m+ boss fights. A playstyle and talent adjustment is going to be required to maintain what you want for numbers.
This is without tier pieces also. With tier I’d expect higher output.

Edit: I honestly like that I am using a different rotation between single target and aoe. Doing one braindead rotation of PW and BT generating was kind of getting monotonous, I can’t lie.

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significant single target increase? I went from 401 to 409 ilvl and if I run a minmax single target build I’m looking at a sim of 55.3k dps. Last week at 401 ilvl I was simming 55.5k dps with a minmax single target build. I’m seeing a net loss across the board, the only thing that’s improved is my single target burst which is still a complete joke compared to other dps, this patch has ruined feral, a spec that was already one of the worst dps in raids and barely worth the slot in M+ has become a community service target in raids and a laughingstock in M+

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I mean, mine definitely went up from mid 70s to ~82k now. So this sounds like a player problem rather than a spec problem.

Plus, as corroborating evidence the average DPS of Feral has gone up on Terros (closest thing to sim that exists in the raid) when looking at the same item level bracket and going between 2 weeks and 1 week windows. And this week isn’t even over yet.

In M+ so much has to do with the tank.

My best in AA was in +13 and I pulled a 76K overall. But I can also pull mid 30’s to mid 40’s overall in that dungeon.

If the tank dependably and predictably pulling to our damage profile and CD’s, while some one is handling most of the must do interrupts, the sky is the limit.

But when that doesn’t happen, or you have an instance like CoS with all normal mobs mixed in requiring front loaded AoE we look bad on the packs and worse on the bosses.

This, the safer they play, the worse we do.

I absolutely hate AV for this reason alone - a lot of PuG tanks (below 15 at least), pull 1-2 packs max at a time :frowning: also doesn’t help how strung out that dungeon is as well.


On smaller pulls we can do ok if the pack lives long enough for Apex to start proc’ing. But on low health pulls with front loaded DPS it becomes zero sum and we lose.

And honestly I suspect the way Apex procs is a problem. Feast or famine depending on pull size.

I feel like we went from front loaded single target in SL to back loaded AoE and have always been missing the other half of the package.

Yeah, a % per active Rip. I love it and hate it when I’ve got an active Apex proc up for every global for an entire pack. Like I wanna press…but I also need to build combo points for the true AoE damage lol

Probably the worst part is that we are very pull dependent.
I ran a key last night and when the tank would pull decent I could peak 170k aoe, but when they pulled a pack at a time I did like 60k lol.
Makes it hard to balance incarn timing around erratic pulls. In that instance I find convoke is more worthwhile than incarn for the shorter cd.

But we still have front-loaded single target with Incarn, so I don’t understand this at all.

I will agree that Feral isn’t going to be doing a whole lot in lower level keys where everything dies instantly to burst damage.

It can compete. But nothing like the convoke opener in shadowlands that used to sustain our single target DPS and keep it competitive for a couple of minutes.

In raid at least it seems like DK has the huge single target burst opener we used to have.

I don’t PvP, but sofar I think I like the new tree. My damage feels like it’s finally all coming together, and I’m starting to be able to keep up with some of the big damage dealers in my raid / m+ groups.

Blizzard actually said that they were listening, they understood that it feels bad to have to take useless talents in order to get to the talents the druid needed, or have to go across the tree to get talents that ought to be nearby in order to make a cohesive build, and they were going to fix this. Then did the opposite.


Literally nothing they changed was appreciated lol, except “maybe” raze for guardians but even then

I kind of agree, its taken me 2 weeks of simulation to find a Viable feral spec again, even then I feel it isn’t quite as good before 10.0.5.

Our single target (which is what ferals were known for) is garbage now, AOE Monk specs are doing more single target damage than feral single target, especially if they have that Spiteful storm Trinket, I think blizzard has focused too much on giving us an actual AOE rotation finally, only to have it become so powerful they felt the need to nerf ALL of our damage in PVP instead.

PVP Feral is dead with 10.0.5. Blizzard have nerfed them into the ground instead of just looking at the primal wrath resets that were giving ferals so much bleed damage before.
Blizzard has taken away some of our survival and nerfed our damage as a whole to the point they aren’t even viable in pvp anymore.

The pvp nerfs are incredibly harsh and noticeable. I’m so squishy now I’m dropping like a sack of bricks and I HAVE to go into bear form just to survive a little longer from all the insane bursts coming from other classes like Shadow priest and Ele Shamans…its too bad i cant do much in my bear form in a feral spec (even with Strength of the wild PVP talent)

I get into a fight, have no choice but to go bear and do no damage at all now. just cop a whole bunch of damage and hit that graveyard.

On average right now I’m getting 2 kills to every 7 deaths in BG’s
Not fun…