The book i wish to speak of is the Bible, the Word of God our creator, The word became flesh who is Jesus Christ our saviour.
There is a man who recently came into power and this man says he wants to use commonsense in ruling his country. Here is one of his commonsense ideas.
Another country who was invaded by a country more powerful had asked for aid in their fight. Many countries gave aid to them as well this country who at the time helped gladly.
Now three years into the war this same man with this new commonsense says now that he wants repayment for all the aid he has given them.
Here is what the Book of the word of God says in Luke chapter 6 verse 30 "Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.
Now this new commonsense revolution in reality makes no sense according the those words spoken by the Living truth of Jesus Christ.
Those in power the rich and powerful have received their reward in this world.
This new commonsense revolution will fail him and his country.
Jesus Christ the Living Word who became flesh is the only real commonsense here because He is the Truth and the only way of hope in all things here and now forevermore.