The new brutosaur mount is a failure (in concept)


it is hilarious how times have changed.
I have had both computer systems and consoles over the decades.
If I mentioned to someone I had a console…atari…colecovision…whatever…they were all cool about it.
Mention a commodore 64/128 that Im playing Might and Magic on and the laugher could be heard for hundreds of yards, Id bet lol

its like they were too dumb to know that consoles ARE just computers lol


A failure? Lol I’m sure Blizz is thinking the same as they count their MILLIONS of dollars they just made off of it


I cant justify it. Its cool and all but I dont use the features enough to pay. I dont feel like all the people buying it should be labeled “gullible” though. Different strokes for different folks. I took my wife out for a meal and the bill was 150.00 before gratuity. I thought the meal was just ok… she raved about it… people can value different things and not be “gullible”. Not trying to start an argument… just my thoughts. Take care. :smiley:


:+1: (Im out of likes lol)
perfect example if you ask me.
you COULD have stayed home and ate cheap…but you decided rationally to go spend your money on something better…frivolous…but something you wanted.

SAME exact thing here.


I guess my thing is more the people like Lio on the forums screaming from the rooftops about how proud they are of it and how no one else gets how rich/cool they are. It’s more about the weird abrasive attitude than anything else.

I think spending that much on a mount is silly regardless, but I think less of someone who has an attitude about it.


OK… thanks for the response. I think my wife is a little weird for raving about an “ok” meal that was 150 soooo . :smile: Have a good one.

I will gladly second this.

I don’t care how you spend your money, but if you’re going to brag about spending money on a $90 mount as if it’s some sort of accomplishment or at all indicative of your wealth (it isn’t), then I will gladly point out how ridiculous you’re being, especially when criticisms of the mount are not unfounded and 100% valid.

Like, if you enjoy the mount, then enjoy it. I’m not sure why you need my or anyone else’s approval if you’re as well off as you say you are and are content with the purchase lmao


I find that when someone brags about how much money they have/spend, that they generally have less than me. People with real money don’t tend to brag about it.


Well, think on how many small business owners will pay the absolute least amount possible. If 90$ isnt much, why is there such push back against increasing pay? Why do people complain about gas prices? (Back in MY day gas was 5$ a gallon and people were outraged)

90 dollars may not be much to you, but its a good chunk of money.


It should have been an Ankylodon. Big old honking tank like creation just swinging its tail around wildly. If you’re using the auction house and get hit, it knocks you back.

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It’s actually a complete and absolute success. I don’t like it either, but… look at the token sales. That thing sold lile hotcakes. And when you consider that every single Brutosaur that was bought using tokens nets them $120 instead of $90 (reminder that tokens cost $20 and gives $15 credit, meaning blizz gets $5 extra for each token used), they absolutely made bank on this thing.

So yes. It’s greedy, it’s a cash grab, it’s an insult to anyone that bought the original Brutosaur (note, i didn’t, so this isn’t personal to me or whatever), it’s shameless to slap it up alongside other new store stuff for the 30th celebration, but good god did it make them money.

…shame none of that money is going to go towards making the game less buggy…

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I love how the outrage on this is checking nearly all the possible boxes.


Nobody is really denying its success in terms of profit.


Ive agreed with that 100 times in here. I have a lot of expendable income…I also have friends who have to borrow money just to pay their bills even though they work 40+ hours a week.

90 bucks is a LOT of money depending on circumstances. So is 20 bucks if you dont have it and need it.

I know them. Ive been dealing with them since the mid 80s selling them an hours worth of my work for 150 bucks that I know theyll have to pay 300+ somewhere else. Thats why they come to me…to save a buck.

That isnt this, however…
Those businesses pay for necessities to keep business going .

THIS GAME is a frivolous expense…one that shouldnt happen if one is so strapped that 90 bucks IS a lot of money.

If my expenses were that such as I had to worry about making a 90 buck purchase, i dont think I can then justify spending ANY money on video games…personally.

Indeed. I’ve acknowledged its financial success, and was opining on what I perceived to be a failure in concept only…AND, I have no problem with opinions differing from mine. This would be boring and dreary place if we all agreed.

I need some flasks, np jump on mount, 10 secs later bought and good to go. Got some boe drop, jump on mount 5 secs later auction done.

The utility is off the charts.

Must be nice to have this mount available for UNDER a hundred bucks.

Lmao. A $132 mount for people with no concept of value to wet themselves over.

Enjoy suckers!

As may as I see around, its hardly a fail. They have made millions off it.

You may not like it, and that is just fine, then you don’t buy it. Liking or disliking something in the cash shop is pure subjective nature of the person looking at it.

There was many at the time of BFA that didn’t have the 5 million in gold nor the desire to pay the cast for tokens to get it with what the rate was at the time for tokens in gold. This Brutosaur is a steal of a price compared to that one. So a huge amount of people are simply paying the 1.2 million in gold for it and taking it home with them. Also $90 is a lot better than the $800 that some paid for the BFA version.

In all it is a success, just look around on the 1 day, and you would have seen that much and still now, they are everywhere. Success is measured at Blizzard as to how much they make off of something. This one goes down as that a success.


I don’t think the mail box choice was bad at all. Its actually convenient.
Don’t need to put down a mailbox or a mailbox companion and then mount, don’t need to be near a mailbox etc.
Just mount up once and you have an AH and a mailbox.

BTW, I agree about the lame skin/re-color. But don’t worry, I can already imagine a new AH mount which has unique visuals and can also fly, and it would be sold during the 30th anniversary or something lol

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The exact same could be said about introducing a third mailbox toy/mount/device. However, I’ve come to see that many consider it to be a perfect choice to combine with a portable AH…and that’s valid.

Perhaps we’ll eventually see a toy/mount that has everything. AH, transmog, mailbox, barbershop, repair/general goods vendor, banker, and gear upgrader…all rolled into one. Oh, I know!

Fiona’s wagon.

I’d actually ride around on that.