The new brutosaur mount is a failure (in concept)

Theyve spent so much time whining about it that theyre likely out of time needed to farm the gold now lol

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Yes, the effort and time they have complained on the forums they could have farm nodes and tossed it all on the AH and be well on their way to paying it off in gold by now.

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ugh…5 stars for the effort in pretending to be able to convincingly keep up pretenses. lol
no one is actually fooled, though…

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could have made 200 - 300k easily by now.

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I made 50k this morning from just tossing old left overs from Dragonflight on the AH, it sold almost instantly. It sitting in my bank was a waste of space, tossing it in the AH was worth a good chunk of gold, and it was just on one toon out of 45 toons I have, all of them are level 70 with like 10 being 80.

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I kind of like them. There’s always someone who paid the $90 for it sitting at the crafting tables, so I get to use their mount for free. They spend money, I get the benefits.

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For years now, I’ve been deeply critical of the WoW token and would prefer Blizzard remove it from the game entirely. The problem they proposed that it resolved (I.E. gold sellers and bots) isn’t actually resolved, so in reality, all Blizzard has done is put their hand in the gold-selling market for those less-inclined to spend it on third-party sites. Furthermore, the only thing they’ve done to third-party sellers is force them to undercut Blizzard’s gold price.

So if you want me to say “Yeah, I also agree that the WoW token is unfair practices and shouldn’t be in the game,” then sure. I don’t think the WoW token should be in the game.

But we’re not talking about the WoW token. We’re talking about the current anniversary mount and how it impacts the game as a “utility” mount, so to speak.

/e sits on their bruto and sips tea, and runs away from you when you try to use him.

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Microsoft will never remove tokens from the shop, they will never stop using the shop to make money selling things to players. Until the day they actually shut down WoW all together. So you might as well get used to it. They will choose the prices they feel people are willing to pay for items that are in high demand. They often send out questionnaires in email asking random player just how they feel about this and what they would be willing to play and for what. With an agreement that one will not publish the questionnaire or discuss its content.

MMO-RPGS through out history have always given rewards to those who can earn them or buy them with in game money or many have had outside shops. They all have tossed on items that been pricy at the time they tossed them on in some cases. But the prices we are seeing right now in WoW is pretty much the same with any other games online store when it comes to things they sell.

I’m not sure what you think you’ve contributed to the conversation here. I’m well aware the WoW token isn’t going anywhere, and for the most part, I have gotten used to it. By no means does that mean I agree with its existence in the game, nor does it mean that I can’t point out its uselessness as a countermeasure against gold-sellers and bots.

which has nothing to do with THIS mount or purchasing it with either cash or thru the token system with gold you have.

if you WANT it…BUY it…lmao…no one is stopping you except YOU…

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Actually it has cut way down on the gold sellers and their spam in game compared to what it used to be before they started to sell gold tokens themselves. I vividly remembers the days of Wrath when you couldn’t walk two foot in Org or even Stormwind without a bunch of bodies laying on the ground spelling out someones web page for gold. Or your mail box filled with gold seller mail spamming you to buy.

So the token has cut way back on that. Nothing will remove bots 100% or Gold sellers because as long as one person is willing to use them and they can steal their info while doing it. They are going to keep doing it.

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thats exactly right…the MOUNT is the topic here.
if you want it ‘earned’ in game, spend your gold for it.
Seems simple enough…

lmao…literally sounds like we’re running down a rabbit hole here because your initial rants have been refuted so now we’re gonna make it ABOUT the token hate instead.

The mount is for sale.
Its 90 bucks.
You can use cash or your in game gold…either way is fine.
No amount of fit tossing is gonna change it.
But it…dont buy it…no one really cares

You know what I think?
I think If the new bruto had been put on a vendor for 1.5 million gold theyd all STILL be finding SOMETHING to whine about it regardless. lol

I dont think this is about the money or the gold…or even the mount itself…I think they LOOK for reasons to whine and this just happens to be the current shiny thing.

That hes drifting from the MOUNT being the ‘problem’ to now the token being…tells me this is just about hearing oneself whining entirely…not the target itself.

Just because you don’t see them in-game doesn’t mean they no longer exist. There are just more effective channels for them to run through rather than spelling it out in the middle of Stormwind/Orgrimmar.

Bot farms are still rampant in this game. The gold they’re generating is going somewhere, otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it anymore.

Didn’t say they where 100% gone, said they vastly reduced their activities. Which they have compared to what there where before the tokens. So effectively the token have had a positive effect.

Tokens don’t effect you in one bit, nor does anything else sold in the online shop. Its all just shinnies for collections for the most part. Because they are so easy to gain, they are not as deeply seen as the holy grail of things to have always because everyone has easy access to them.

Again gold sellers and bots have nothing and zero to do with a sale of a $90 mount that over whelming be paid for either by cash or gold by a majority of players which are not complaining about their investment for that mount. Heck I even got the $30 package of the other mounts also on top of it. Come to think of it, I have all the mounts the store has every offered. I also have a very large % of all the in game mounts also, some that cant get anymore until they toss them on the BMAH or in the monthly trading post, which by the way I don’t care if they do or not. Don’t care if they do another xpac that is done like they did with the remix of MoP and give them all away that way either.

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I know what you said, but your assumptions that they have been “vastly reduced” just because you don’t outright see them in-game are false. They’re still selling gold at the same rates (if not more). They’re just doing it on Discord and other channels not directly related to WoW because that’s how they circumvent getting banned so quickly.

i love the new brutosaur mount, i think it’s great


As a guild leader of a few guilds and a streamer I have a few WoW dedicated discord channels, not a single gold selling bot has ever come into any of my channels. You must be hanging out in some real shady discord channels in the 1st place.

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And as we all know, Gabitha’s experience trumps everything else.

Anecdotes will get you nowhere in this conversation.

Nor will any attempts to discredit my stance on the matter by asserting that there’s something wrong with me. You’re pivoting because you can’t actually refute what I’m saying.