The new brutosaur mount is a failure (in concept)

$90 isn’t a lot to adults with real jobs.

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blah blah blah…you cant afford a mount…NO ONE CARES…

when I listen barely hard at all, what I hear is a bunch of whining from a few who clearly dont have the 90 bucks to spend…which is perfectly fine…except they cant help themselves buy try to build up their own bruised egos by insulting those who CAN afford the 90 bucks.

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People who say that always make less money than me.

I love the auction house and mailbox combo. Can buy and sell anywhere, then check my mail without dismounting. Its the best $90 gift from my wife. Imagine having this out in Nagrand or Zangermarsh. It would of been heaven.


My son and I do not. Which is why we both got the mount. It is a huge QOL change for us as we spend almost all our time out in the open world.


There are times inside the raid when your party needs to buy stuff off auction house. Having to use a mailbox toy that has a long cooldown isn’t ideal. Having both on the same mount not subject to cooldown is useful.


If a person wants it, that justifies it enough for that person. They don’t have to get your permission to spend their money or gold. Or even convince you it worth anything. If that is what they want to do then for them its justified.

Players was spending upward to $800 worth to get gold for the BFA one before it was removed from the vendor in game. No one lost their minds claiming it was nuts to spend their real life money for that mount. People still blow a lot of money on TCG mounts when found on ebay. No one says a thing about that either. So why so worried there are mounts in the Blizzard store for like $90?

Let people do their own thing when it comes to their money, mind your own pocket book.


personally, Im starting to think this is two players posting on alts because there wasnt this many characters raging over the last bruto in here.

I think its 2…at most 3…hopping on different accounts to make it sound like there is more whining going on than there actually is.

Its 90 bucks lol…the cost of a couple half decent pizzas lmao.

How often do people need to change their hair on the go?

Now how often is someone outside a raid/M+ and needs to buy and collect elixirs and consumables?

I’m not saying this as an attack, but you’re clearly not a player that engages with the game in a way that can see how high value an AH/Mailbox combo is. While I realize this is anecdotal, many of my friends who push M+ and raids hard see this mount as a massive convenience.


I’ve already addressed this with an addendum (made over 6 hours ago) to my original post, stating that I have been convinced by the other forum posters of the value in having a mailbox being paired with an auction house…and, that I no longer consider the mount to be a failure in concept.

That said, I’m from a server with a very high population of role-players…of which I am one. I can’t tell you how many times I and other fellow RP’rs wished we didn’t have to trek all the way back to a major city to access a barbershop. As a further personal note, it’s just a little disappointing that, out of all the direct replies to my OP, only ONE person bothered to comment on my idea for a combo transmog/barber mount…and I rather had fun coming up with the description of it… :pensive:


ohhh…I wasnt thinking about RPers as far as the barber being a cool thing on a mount.
If they dont do a mount they should do like the Voidwalker transmog toy…have a barber toy you can pop for 10 minutes with 10 min CD…put it on the trading post.

That would be cool. Id buy it myself even though Id never use it much

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100%. I’ll shamelessly insta-buy a barbershop mount when it (inevitably) is released.

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Um, the mount looks good. And having an ah without a mailbox is silly. So, yes, the bruto is a failure, but in none of the ways you mentioned.

Sounds made up.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: You make too much sense

This mount is a huge success.

When in mom’s basement, she does the shopping and delivering, so you don’t need the mount.

“Always” is a big word my boi.

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I’d give literally anything…ANYTHING… for that to be true. Then I could go give her a hug right now, instead of being reminded that she passed away four years ago.

I suppose this is a reminder that there’s always someone here that just can’t pass up an opportunity for unnecessary personal attacks.


Nice to see updates like this. Someone taking some feedback sincerely and allowing their mind to be open for change.