The New Blood

Iirc there was a loa in the old RPG books that was probably going to be the dark Loa Malacrass had empowered himself with. Her name was Ula-Tek and was rumored to have some sort of connection to the Old Gods. Like how Hakkar the Soulflayer did in Vanilla and Cata. Until Chronicles vol 1 retconned that. In fact the vanilla game manual has a map of Lordaeron / Quel’thalas with the Shrine of Ula-Tek labelled in the Zul’Aman area. However it seems that Blizzard has replaced her with Kith’ix.

But who knows, if we do get an expanded Zul’Aman in Midnight, we might see Ula-Tek. She is after all in a weird spot in the canon since she is mentioned in an 'official canonical source (WoW: Vanilla manual) but her lore itself is present only in the non-canon RPG books. Although that has not stopped Blizzard from bringing RPG characters back into the canon. Tandred and Frost King Malakk for example.

The RPG books were considered canon until August 2011. Interestingly, Rise of the Zandalari came out in April 2011. So it is possible that they were still considered canon when Rise of the Zandalari was in development and thus the lore section for Malacrass might have been referring to Ula-Tek at the time.

Of course all of this is speculation. It is equally possible that Blizzard had considered the RPG books non-canon for a while before they stated it in August 2011.

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The closest thing the forsaken have to new blood is the generations raised in war during and after the cataclysm, there could certainly be undead children but that prob would not go down well

Probably because he was a killable mob back in Vanilla that was very easy to overlook.


Also iirc, Yenniku being Vol’jins son was something Cata added in. I don’t think any quest from the vanilla version of that quest line directly stated the relation between the two. And I have not seen any from looking at the vanilla questline on WoWhead.

It honestly feels so random that I do not blame Blizzard for not knowing that he even exists and that he is Vol’jins son. Maybe the writer for the cata version wanted to give an actual reason as to why horde players go to such lengths to rescue him.


Nor blame players for not knowing. They barely even had story for Vol’jin himself.


IIRC, Yenniku was the quest giver’s son and he initially lied to you about him being Vol’jin’s in order to get you to want to help him, and part of that got lost in the update.


The vanilla quests make no reference to him being anyones son specifically from what I saw when going through them on WoWhead in the classic section. The cata versions does state in the first one that he is Vol’jins son but the final quest upon completion had him being the quest givers son. Blizzard at some point changed it so the final quest also referred to him as Vol’jins son.

And then they forgot he even existed lol. Matt Burns did state that from his knowledge, the Cata quest line is the only mention of him being Vol’jins son.


Do we know how old Lillian is?

Lillian? She’s a Cataclysm Forsaken, raised by the Valkyr.

Calia’s daughter is probably the only “child” the Forsaken could lay claim to, but her fate is completely unknown and Calia seems completely uninterested in locating her, even before she became undead.

Blizzard’s in-universe explanation for why there aren’t any undead children models walking around Scourge or Forsaken spaces is because somehow, they were all scooped up by the Scourge to make Thaddius. But then a Forsaken child would probably end up as one or two things: Eternal Youth with no method to grow up, or an adult mind trapped in the body of a child, like every child vampire story. It’s far more likely that Blizzard would just have living children raised by Forsaken parents who either bore them when they were living or adopted them. Goth kids gotta come from somewhere.


Which has made me wonder if it’s for better or worse that plot is forgotten. :8ball::robot:

Probably too late as Talanji has that potential when her father perished. :robot::thought_balloon:

Sometimes it is better when blizz doesn’t touch certain things. Because it tends to not turn out so well when blizz decides to concentrate on said thing


Anduin, Illidain, and Jania seem fine. :robot::+1:


From a certain point of view :dracthyr_nod:


Poor Claudia…

Not going to lie, I think it would be kind of cool to see a Forsaken child. I would even accept it as visage of some other creature. Like say a Dreadlord screwing with us or something else…


The most generously worded reply I’ve seen in the history of the forums.

This kind of runs a risk of alienating certain audiences. Don’t get me wrong, zombie kid sounds kind of cool on paper, but either they are a child mentally in which case… the sort of trauma they went through is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way (I mean, it’s a game, but it’s also trying to market itself), or they’re an adult mentally and we end up with, ‘Shut up, Wesley.’


Legitimately would not be upset if they kill off Geya’rah, along with anyone else from alternate Draenor. :person_shrugging:

I’d much rather have OG Mag’har characters – From Outland, take a shine. :dracthyr_nod:

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She would be cool if she wasn’t basically a female garrosh lite.


as far as i know, she´s featured again in the war within, we see her riding beside her mother.


Would be cool if they kill Turalyon and Alleria.