The New Blood

In TWW we are clearly seeing the build up of Dagran Thaurissan II and alongside his/Moira’s short story, we have a tease of Durak + Amarehz in “Trials”.
Do we have any other younger ‘next generation’ characters that may not be in line to rule a kingdom, but are likely to stick around in a role of importance?
I have hope for Faerin, but we will have to wait and see because she could be only important for the current expansion despite her surname, similar to Taelia.
Maybe Li Li Stormstout will finally get a new model. :slight_smile:

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…there were Vol’jin’s children but I assume it was safer not to touch that plot. :robot::sweat_drops:


I’m just hoping we get Vol’jin back at this point.


Enemies fusing with Loa sounds like the perfect plot for his return. Likely midnight if the amani return as a threat. :crystal_ball::robot:


The Night Elves have that one Finiel girl. Or Finel. Or Fennel. I always forget.

I think she was sort of alluded to in Shadows Rising - I think she was the little girl playing music when the Horde representatives visited Hyjal.

She is probably on the younger side, but she might become an important character down the line.

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I think Finel even has her own Night Elf child model that isn’t shared with any other NPC.

It would be interesting if they had Shandris connect with her -ex orphan to orphan-


There is no new blood for the Horde. All of them are dead and gone. Nazgrim, Garrosh and Zaela were supposed to be the new Orc generation but since Blizzard hates us they had to take them away, only the alliance can have nice things in this story.

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Salandria, the blood elf orphan from the BC children’s week quests, was adaopted by Liadrin and is now a Blood Knight. She featured at the end of Shadowlands and helped the Blood Elves defend from Vorath’s attack. I think she’s among the Horde forces that arrive to the Ilse of Dorn in the campaign and would likely have a some kind of presence in Midnight.

Dornaa, the draenei from the BC children’s week quests, was in the Draenei heritage quest chain. She seeks to become a shaman, but is apparently too young to undergo the trials. The fact she was included shows that their are current plans for her.

Currently can’t think of anyone else.


Lysander is about my age, born after Hyjal. Others include Durak and Kor Dawnchaser.

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Maybe we will have Lysander and the 3 Windrunner sons in Midnight… if they remember Vereesa and her twins this time.

Poor Vereesa :frowning:

At least you tried uh?


They don’t know about Yenniku.


I hate that I made this mistake

We don’t talk about Yenniku… :robot: :notes:


If Vol’jin ever returns he better go to his family first.

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Vol’Jin x Tyrathan Khort

I like Voljin and wish he was never killed but like, there’s no good way to bring him back.

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Arator, Vereesa’s twins, Taelia Fordragon, Calia’s got a child running around somewhere too…


Most Horde leaders doN’t have kids.

What? What is this about?