The Nerf Algorithm

I don’t understand devs logic, we pay a monthly subscription, plus whatever extra services we decide to pay at the shop, character boost, WoW token, etc…
Then, shouldn’t we be allowed to play whatever character we want to play instead of devs deciding for us what character we should play and what not??

In my case I only play two character that I can identify, Mage and Hunter. Mage was a character boost or a booster that was part of a expansion package. Quite expensive eighter option, and now, devs are telling us we cannot or should not play mage, because they have turn it into a grievance instead of something fun to play.

If they want to buff other characters, then by all means please do so, not everyone identifies with Hunters and Mages. But please, stop telling us what we should and should not play. Unless devs want to pay for my monthly subscription then by all means…
I play Panda if they want me to

I am so ill of their logic

I get that a lot of people enjoy swapping for the meta. But when the difference between specs is this significant it is reason for someone who only prefers a few specs to skip the season entirely, if their spec isn’t part of the meta.

A difference of 5% would be ideal, maybe not possible (perhaps 7% or 10% is more feasible)

Currently we have average log numbers differing really significantly, at about 65%. We have some specs doing 1.1m to 1.3m (average for +12 and above) while others are doing 1.7-1.8.

That is a level of difference where some people will feel like simply showing up as one of these specs is griefing (and I’m not going to argue with that)

I quit M+ this season mid-season because the specs I enjoy are too weak. I have to play better to get worse numbers. If I die or make any mistake in my rotation my numbers shoot down and I feel bad, I don’t enjoy it. I don’t want to play one of the meta specs, I’d rather play a different game (so that’s what I’ve been doing)

Normally I buy a wow token or two every month for buying consumes so I could imagine revenue is taking a hit from people not participating this season


What blizzard has done to mage in this ptr cycle is legitimately offensive.

These patch notes have been extremely negative for most specs overall, the devs should be embarrassed of shoveling out such garbage.

The amount of changes that i actually liked i can count on one hand, but what really pisses me off about this cycle is the doubling down on garbage changes such as no double dipping, or the new coh for dh.

Seriously, id be embarrassed if i was a blizzard dev at the moment.

Some of these devs like the one that works on arcane mage clearly does not understand what they are doing, but not just that, the complete and utter lack of logic is showing, and it’s honestly worrying, because lack of knowledge can be fixed, irrationality cannot. The recent change to intuition really drives this point home. They literally took a suggestion made for a different ability and used it on intuition because “it’s similar enough i guess” This is literally dumb, it took me a few minutes of thinking through logically about this to realize why it wouldn’t work the same, and it’s SO OBVIOUS!

Intuition is a random proc, it can proc from everything, aethervision was a guaranteed proc after you used nether precision specifically, at most with intuition with a longer duration and maybe 2 charges you would build back charges up to 4 and use it with nether precision, aethervision though you wanted to cycle through another nether window because aether only procs from nether precision!

How they seemingly didn’t reach the conclusion that this suggestion would not work on intuition shows a severe lack of critical thinking.

It’s embarrassing.

Don’t take this as me only complaining about arcane though, i also didn’t like most of the fire changes, and quite a few of the frost changes either, i also didn’t like most of the havoc dh changes, these patch notes are disgusting.