I don’t understand devs logic, we pay a monthly subscription, plus whatever extra services we decide to pay at the shop, character boost, WoW token, etc…
Then, shouldn’t we be allowed to play whatever character we want to play instead of devs deciding for us what character we should play and what not??
In my case I only play two character that I can identify, Mage and Hunter. Mage was a character boost or a booster that was part of a expansion package. Quite expensive eighter option, and now, devs are telling us we cannot or should not play mage, because they have turn it into a grievance instead of something fun to play.
If they want to buff other characters, then by all means please do so, not everyone identifies with Hunters and Mages. But please, stop telling us what we should and should not play. Unless devs want to pay for my monthly subscription then by all means…
I play Panda if they want me to
I am so ill of their logic