The negative effects of making raids harder

What? I wouldnt call them badly designed. Some are better than others, but there isnt any dungeon released outside of classic that I like more than the dungeons in classic.

Modern dungeons are boring garbage.

Classic WoW was the opposite of “bring the player not the class”. It was more like DnD where the tools your class have define how your group interacts with the dungeon.

Yah cuz every single class has a 1-3 button rotation. Sure you felt like u had to have a mage for waters and u were forced to bring a warrior to tank everything…that doesn’t make it a skill requirement. The dungeons themselves were mostly pretty easy. The only difference is throwing a sheep or a sap was actually applauded. If u like classic more then great keep playing but saying it had a higher skill requirement then retail is vastly incorrect. With dungeons and raids having a normal, heroic, and mythic there’s content to match everyone’s skills level.