The Mythic Dungeon International is Back -- Live Today

You missed by a lot, not a single MM Hunter or Outlaw Rogue so far.

Maybe this is why Blizzard doesn’t care about the faction imbalance – Alliance gets to shine in the MDI every year!

Because it doesn’t matter outside of this stupid event. I mean did you shed a tear when there where zero DHs in the recent AWC event? Or when not a single world first mythic raid kill had a Havoc DH? The MDI doesn’t represent what the game is actually played like, so getting in a twist over it is pointless.

People can enjoy whatever they want, but I will never understand why anyone enjoys watching other people play the same dungeons we play multiple times a week. Makes zero sense to me.

Overall, I feel like this event has a negative effect on the community, so I really wish they wouldn’t focus on this kind of stuff. PVE should not be competitive.


Do we get class tuning once this is over?


Well darn. Shot in dark…seems i missed.

You seem to be having a hard time understand that the issue is lack of variety and not if any race/class is OP in a mock set up. If one class/race was .00001% better that is what they would all play in the MDI. Also you don’t think these PROFESSIONAL players have alliance NE that they practice with outside the MDI?

Really stretching the word ‘professional’ here.

Well, they did change the comps! However, they’re both still identical :smile:

How is stretching it? They are basically professionals.

When the blue post for “WoW E Sports” is up for over an hour and still has Zero likes…

Not that I would ever presume that blizzard is completely out of touch with their player base.

Now… if the one comp everyone will be using wasn’t the meta before, it will 100% be for the next few months after this.

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This is only an issue with MDI. It is a situation where you get to hand pick a team for every instance. So of course you are going to pick the options that give you the best bang. Just look at the mythic+ leaders board and notice it’s not flooded with all NE teams. What goes on here has no value in the actually game.

$100,000 price pool + sponcerships. These people are pros.


Cool, now can we talk about something the players actually care about, such as broken legacy legion raid boss scaling and horribly imbalanced classes? Or are we going to continue posting about stuff that 0.01% of players care about?


Professional in the sense they sit in a chair for eight hours, repeating the same routes, and getting the pick of the best gear in tournament realms.

Again, professional ‘esports’ players are a colossal joke, especially in a PvE game.


Professional golfers, bowlers, eaters. The term professional basically means that they are getting paid for their play at a level beyond what you and I can do. I will never watch an e-sport, but that doesn’t meant I won’t admit they are better then I will ever be and get paid for it.

P.S. Jealousy is an ugly thing.


Advertising money>class balance

Ok you just don’t like the idea of e-sports, got cha.

But if you like it or not, they are professionals i don’t like the NFL i wouldn’t go even near to not say their players are not professionals.

You realize these ‘professionals’ are killing the game, right? Nah, they’re getting paid so just don’t think about it.


Well if you did, you wouldn’t be wrong.