The Mythic Dungeon International is Back -- Live Today

But AWC/MDI end in March, meaning we’ll likely see “tuning” just wrapped into 9.1 PTR.

Yep, pretty sad, especially considering they could have MDI realms with original tuning while tuning live realms for the actual players actually playing the game.


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Sorry I don’t wanna bang my head against a wall all day in with pug groups. Only played with guildies and my guild is pretty much on hiatus.

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Not sure how to feel… things are in such a horrible state… yet they keep throwing this crap at us… either they are arrogant as all get out, or they really have no clue from their ivory towers…


MDI is dumb!


Then don’t bang your head against a wall? Like…? Build a group using your brain cells and your success rate will be high (unless you’re the problem). I pugged to 1.2k on this alt who was/is very under geared. Took two and a half weeks while only playing 3 or 4 days a week…

Right out of the bat, first game we got a Shadow Priest.

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Only conclusion i’ve come to is that A.Pride needs to not be able to be cheesed and B. Pride needs to be worth killing.

What you don’t understand is I do not care enough at all too do that. I enjoyed running it with my friends and not randoms. M+ has always been boring to me otherwise.

So fire mages, mm hunters and outlaw rogues with a DH tank?

why talk about something you don’t care about then :thinking:

But now you can watch who is the best all NE VDH/DK/Fire/WW/Priest team!

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Lets see what Golden Guardians & Does Gargoyle Stream bring to the tourney… will there be differences or more of the same?!

Stay tuned.

I refuse to believe they have 50k viewers on youtube right now lol. Low number but still. You watch the first team, you just saw the next 9 teams. zzzfest.

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Who then go back to their Horde mains later in the day. Funny how that works out :slight_smile:

Because I am allowed to express my opinion on how stupid the idea of the MDI is much like how you express your unwanted opinions at me :slight_smile:

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MDI teams be like:

Prideful? What's that?

Why is this a thing for you? We are talking about the lack of variety in this, not if a class/race is OP in a mock set up.