The Multiboxing problem

This is directed to no particular server as it is an issue all across WoW and WoW classic at the moment. Multiboxers for those blissfully unaware are people who have many accounts anywhere from 2 to 40+. They sync these accounts to one main account and use a script to play all these accounts at once. As you can guess this can be a huge problem. First lets talk gold. If you have 20+ characters on one realm farming herbs/ore you basically monopolize that profession. Most multi boxers are botted by the way. it simply put means all 20+ of the accounts are on a script to fly around a zone and pick up herbs/ore 24/7. the person owning the accounts logs on every so often to sell off the herbs/ore. Boting is completely against ToS but as we all know in the games current state blizzard doesn’t enforce that. Now. you might think “well they pay for all these accounts so blizzard makes money so its not an issue.” You would be wrong. you see with this basically limitless amount of gold what these multiboxxers do is turn the gold into WoW tokens and turn the Tokens into blizzard balance. What this allows them to do with there now limitless blizzard balance is infinitely create accounts to their computer(s) capability and repeat the process. Using the linked blizzard balance to buy the current xpac and game time. So not only are these cheaters given free gold cap, they also dont pay to play. And then they monopolize professions so us the real players basically cant have a place in a profession market. So i would like to extent this question to blizzard. If Multiboxing doesn’t contribute any money to your company, ruins the in game economy, damages the player base and doesn’t allow for the real players of your game to play the game why not crack down on suspending or banning multiboxers? They are no better than Kick botters in pvp or scripters. Its a blatant and knowing abuse of in game mechanics and is currently in the process of ruining the game. I would like to hear the communities on Multi boxing as well.


Please, make use of paragraphs for the sake of the reader…


Blizzard’s stance on Multiboxinig.


People conflate multiboxing and botting. You can multibox without botting and you can multibox while also using a bot. Botting is against the rules so multiboxing using a bot is also against the rules. But that doesn’t make multiboxing against the rules.

You can fish using a bot too. Fishing without a bot is still perfectly fine.

Be mad at the right thing. If someone is obviously using a bot, report them. But having a bunch of toons fly in synch is not an indicator of a bot. As long as a human is sitting there steering them, they aren’t breaking any rules.


That is botting, not multi-boxing. Please separate the 2 in your mind. Multi-boxing is allowed by Blizzard. Botting is not.

You can argue all day with Blizzard about multi-boxing. You will lose. They have considered it for 15 years, and allow it.


Ah. You are jealous because some other player has more gold than you. Luckily I don’t suffer from that problem. I ignore all complaints about this.

There are players in WoW who (with 1 account) make millions of gold on the AH, by playing the AH all day. So what? If they enjoy that, let them play that. It isn’t “fun” to me, so I don’t.


we all know what it really is, People want to go to naz to farm herbs/ore

but cant because a 10 multiboxer will despawn the nodes. Now we spending more time trying to get the herbs we need.

While the mutliboxer just puts up another 5-10k zin on the AH


Doesn’t matter if it’s 1 or 10 characters, those nodes will disappear in the same amount of time after being used.


I am not a boxer, nor do I want to, but boxing is the new hot goldmaking thing and it’s legit. Also limitless gold is not exactly correct, as each toon still needs that same amount of time to farm the same amount of good to pay thier sub. Most boxers farm on multiple realms because that’s how real goldmakers make gold, on multiple realms so they don’t flood markets. If your on one realm your daily gold income is capped based on your servers market and demand. If you sell on multiple servers it’s that much more income.

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Formatting aside, there is a lot that Blizzard can do about this but they’re ignoring the problem. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to raid as the Zin’anthid needed for flasks and pots is almost impossible to get and we refuse to be forced to buy what we should be able to farm for ourselves.
If Blizzard continues to ignore this problem they deserve to lose subscribers.


To them, It’s really not a problem, they made it pretty clear what their stance is.

reposting it in case you missed it…

I know this, it’s only a problem for their subscribers, 99% of which are not multiboxers but are affected by that 1% of a-holes. Only when enough people leave because of them will they do anything about it.


People keep making this argument with out the data to back it up. Blizzard has the sub number and so far, they aren’t really concerned.

Nothing is stopping you from gatherer from the nodes. Whether 1 person or 100 people tag it, they de-spawn at a specified amount. You just need to get there at the right time. The problem is not multiboxing, it’s the high competition for the item in general. It only spawns in one zone and everybody wants it.

Have you tried reporting them? I’ve followed them around and if they look really bot-like I report them. Often they will just wink-out a few minutes after they’re reported.

This “should” is your opinion. It exists only in your mind. It is not a fact. It is not part of WoW. If this “should” is “the problem”, then the problem only exists in your mind too.

Blizzard is ignoring this because THEY think this isn’t a problem. They have never agreed that this is a problem.

You can continue to demand the game YOU want, including all of your “should” ideas. Or you can play the real game – Blizzard’s game.

Are you willing to play an imperfect game?

Not true. They do think botting is a problem. Multi-boxing is allowed but you can’t bot with it. It’s two separate things

A multi-boxer will remove node in 2 or 3 seconds or so. Otherwise there’s 30 seconds for others to also gather from it, and I often see quite a few during those 30 seconds.

A multi-boxer doesn’t visit any more nodes per time than uni-boxers. So just have alot more nodes to share the wealth, and maybe reduce the number of taps to 3 or so.

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Yes, that happens if the multiboxer is at the node with 10 characters. 10 characters can pick a node dry. But if the multiboxer has only 1 gatherer that doesn’t happen.

You don’t disagree with each other: you are talking about different situations. Cyberdaemon is talking about multiboxers with only 1 gatherer (but many level 1 ghosts, to find spawns). In that situation, the 1-gatherer-multiboxer is not picking the node dry.

Huh? I’m pretty sure most multi-boxers have all characters gathering.

I think a good solution might be doubling, perhaps even tripling the number of nodes, but limit the taps per node to something like 2 to 3. Uniboxers won’t care so much if a multi-boxer wipes a node as there are plenty of them. Mutli-boxers will have to visit 3 to 5 times the amount of nodes to get what they’re getting now. Right now they are getting an incredible amount due to the very high taps per node, and can virtually monopolize a small zone like Nazjatar.


Envy is a bad thing.