The movie 300 would never be made in today's world

After rewatching the movie a day ago, I can say that this movie would not be made in today’s world.

It is insensitive to some cultures (Persians) and revels in the macho man fantasy for some teenage boys. Its depiction of Xerxes as a gay man in a negative light would never pass to this day and age. Some people argue it has political undertones for contemporary events like the Iraq War when the movie was released.
We will never see another movie like that again.

What are we going to do, there is nothing sadder than seeing that the USA is becoming the totalist leftist version thanks to the absurd policies issued by the California government.

In fact, it is even one of the reasons why they always put a stop to Zack Snyder in his movies.

It really shows how difficult it is now to make a program free of ideas as we please without anyone else offending us, threatening us with destroying everything we love, such as art and the pleasure of seeing a good movie.

Anyway even 300 will continue to be viewed without any restrictions so we don’t mind giving a middle finger to that censorship inquisition.


Would love to see a series based on the Frank Miller Elektra comics

Eh its based off a comic. Its fine even if its ridiculously inaccurate.

If we can tolerate wonky Jurassic Park dinosaurs, 300 is fine.