The most played melee class and yet the most neglected

3rd on all bosses out of 12 ish dps. o no…

What numbers? Where are you getting that data? They are quickly falling off on the pve dps charts, and week over week, games played in rated pvp are dropping everywhere other than in RBGS, since spectral sight still hasn’t been blown up. I appreciate what you are saying in your post, in fact I agree with just about all of it, but the numbers you see are not the actual representation. DH is dying quickly.

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It’s not an issue relative to what? It’s more of an issue than all other specs.

The raid-logs disagree with you my friend.

Try bottom half on all bosses except 2.
On those two (Diurna, Razageth) both are heavily swayed by the AoE and multi target scenarios.

I’m also using Heroic as the base line here since that effects more people. Normal and LFR players could probably care less about the discrepancies. Mythic is a whole different ball game that shouldn’t effect the conversation since its so remote.

They have played dh, they just haven’t done a key above a 15 that wasn’t smb.

Momentum is very easy if you play at a key level where positioning doesn’t matter and abilities don’t even kill you


This is flat out not true.
Havoc is only ever remotely close to the top in Diurna and Raszageth, and in both situations it is because there’s burst AoE involved.

The moment you remove that particular scenario from play, Havoc is not even a mid-spec.

Look at Primal Council logs, or Terros logs. All of this while playing the arguably hardest rotation of the entire melee comp.

Id pay money to see what log your looking at, I bet its Overall XD

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Dh is the perfect class, no need for changes dev think even will all feedback reported bugs and so on



least your not the most played ranged getting nerf after nerf.

Running in circles at range with no cast time, 100% pet uptime, most damage coming from pets, with 5 buttons to maintain and still good damage in aoe and ST. Hard gaming life there. DH doesn’t get nerfed nor buffed just perpetuating averageness without being looked at. 100% rerolling next teir to hunter, warrior, or pal. If top players have an issue with DH design then it’s probably not in a good spot.

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I chuckled at this statement, that right there sums up my thoughts really well. And we get all the smoke for having less buttons to press (pre DF), but when I compare our spell/ability count and the amount of sources which make up our dmg to other classes, it baffles me at how simple a lot of other classes really are.

Anyone can say DH easy but would love to watch someone try to purp parse on the class. Would be comical.