The Most Important Warband Question

Have they said how many characters you can pick to appear on the main screen? I’ve read some people say it’s four, others have said five. I need to know so I can choose my top characters and then break the bad news to the ones that didn’t make it.

Four. Confirmed.

Here’s the image they showed us, but they did say don’t read anything into the armor.

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ion said it in a joking way so down the line who knows

ion knows what hes doing

i just dont like it

I don’t think it sounded joking, but he did say “at this time,” so it’s still open on the table. Personally I’d rather see Drakonid for more classes. But that’s just me!

I was really hoping it was going to be five. Makes sense because a group is five. Oh well. Time to break the bad news to my gnome who didn’t make the cut. He’s already short tempered :smirk:

This is something I don’t understand. Can you log on with four different characters at once? If so, how do you control them?

It’s just purely a cosmetic thing for seeing your characters on a special screen. Kind of like the one from Diablo. It’s not about controlling all your characters at the same time

blizz loves putting in stuff they know will get added in later but deny it at the time

Yeah, things take time. I think it’s okay. Because by the time they decide to give Dracthyr other classes, I’ll have stopped caring. LOL

Did they mention what the actual max is though? I don’t really care about the cosmetic situation on the login screen. I want to know the actual limit in-game.

It’s on the preorder description:

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They did say you can make multiple warbands among your people, I just hope we can pick the setting for the camp and the poses as I’m not sure about the kneeling pose

Where was this? Because your Warband is your entire account. So that doesn’t make sense.

heard it in one of the prior threads about the topic, I forget which but it was said we can make multiple to group our people but all of them get the shared stuff supposedly. If it proves true that’s nice as I can have my vulpera all in a group, hoping we can get scenes like Vulpera caravans and stuff as that’d be wonderful

If it wasn’t from Blizz, then it sounds like someone misunderstood. I posted how Warbands work just above, as per the information given directly from Blizzard. You can’t have multiple Warbands, because your Warband is all characters on your entire Bnet account.

Think of it like Old Republic’s Legacy system. You can only have one Legacy.

Silly lizard. Expecting me to read the official documentation.

/Boopsthesnoot :lizard::nose::point_left:

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almost all those look like spanish names…interesting.

They did not.

You “feature” the top four. But your “warband” is all of your characters.

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There is no “limit.” Warband is just a fancy way of marketing a bunch of account-wide features.