The most chill WoW experience

i told myself i was going to get ontop of my dungeon and raid acievements this year. I started yesterday and maaaaannnnnnn is it chill.
ill run a dungon and go do some housework or whatever, run part of a raid/wing of a raid, take a break and go back to stuff around the house.
im not in any ques, not on anyone elses times, the achieve points are piling up and my apartment has never looked so good.

after im done going back over all the old content dungeons and raids ill be diving into questing, whenever i get to it.

ngl, having a BLAST doing old dungeons and raids for points.


I just ran Highmaul (first time) this morning waiting for the traffic to clear from the overnight ice. Was chill as all get out.


It is pretty fun and you get transmog too.


yeah, now with warband/account wide mog its easy as pie to collect.
dosent matter which character I run the instances on the mog’s will still be there for my other classes. Very nice feature.


Solo running the old content is one of my favorite things to do after leveling.


I collected 6 - 8 in the Highmaul run

Back before I took my five year break mid-way through BFA, I spent a bunch of time soloing old dungeons for various low drop-rate mounts.

Definitely the most chill was Vortex Pinnacle for Drake of the North Wind. It has a sort of an airy 80’s post prog-rock art feel to it that I really vibed with, so I’d stick on a ‘Best of’ compilation of Boston, Asia or Yes, strip to a chill-out beach outfit (my character, not me) and just bounce on through, rinse and repeat !

I was almost sad when the dragon dropped, I occasionally go do it again when passing by just for nostalgia. :smiley:


i ran vortex pinnace about 50 times trying to get Drake of the North Wind.
not gonna lie, it was a nice… aesthetically pleasing dungeon to run

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Yeah now that we can collect mogs for all on all classes, I definitely have returned to old raid farming. It’s neat. Even letting the rp play out is nice.