The Morrighan Community looking to build

The Morrighan Community

Hi I am Hræfn from the Morrighan a Horde Guild on Illidan. We are starting this community, to try to pool a group of likeminded people, to get together and raid and do Mythics. A little about the name:

In Celtic mythology, the Morrighan is known as a goddess of battle and war. However, there’s a bit more to her than this. Also referred to as Morrígu, Morríghan, or Mor-Ríoghain, she is called the “washer at the ford,” because if a warrior saw her washing his armor in the stream, it meant he was to die that day. She is the goddess who determines whether you walk off the field of battle or are carried off upon your shield. In later Irish folklore, this role would be delegated to the bain sidhe, who foresaw the death of members of a specific family or clan.

With this in mind, we want to have weekly active raids, and mythic groups from any server, any faction. Please keep in mind, there will be wipes, lol. But no elitists, no stress environment. We will be having an LFR group, Normal and Heroic Raid groups.

LFR Group: this group will be running once per week, to get people in a groove of working together and getting gear for those that need it, to be able to get into Normal and Heroic raids.

Normal group: for this group, please have a iLvl of 450 or better and have at least completed current raid in LFR, so you have a basic idea of fights

Heroic group: For this group please have a iLvl of 470 and have completed raid on normal. So, to know fights and basic normal mechanics, that are different than LFR.

Discord will be required, and I apologize in advance. This is so we can communicate with each other and get direction from raid leads. Even for LFR. The main thing with requiring Discord is so that we can learn to work together as a team and be more effective.

Raid schedule: All raid times will be server time, which is Central Standard US time. All raid times are currently tentative and can be adjusted. 1st runs will be starting week of February 4th through 10th.

LFR : Wednesdays 6pm server

Normal : Saturdays 4pm server

Heroic : Sundays 4pm server

Community link:

If for any reason link does not work, community is searchable and will auto invite, please let us know if link will not work.

Facebook group:

The Morrighan Gaming Community

Looking forward to meeting new friends. Add me on Battlenet Fatherraven#11183, but any member of the Community’s Admins can help.