The More Fantastical Abilities of Warriors

Hunter use a good amount of nature magic and rogues(especially sub) use a a good amount of shadow magic.

There’s not really any proper magic-less class in WoW. Outlaw rogue and Arms warrior might be the closest options.

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The problem with warriors is that their entire aesthetic has been taken over by Norsiphilia and the barbarian fantasy. Vikings are so 2010, there are far more interesting warrior societies out there. Especially ones that value discipline.

Most of the posters here are Americans who value individual “rugged manliness” over disicipline. Even Steve Rogers defies orders every now and then. As he did to Nick Fury in “Secret Avengers”.

I think Warriors do use magic, but I just like to think its unintentional. Maybe their specific actions and emotions in battle are inadvertently fulfilling some kind of ritualistic dependency of a certain kind of magic, akin to someone randomly flailing their arms around and summoning a demon by random happenstance because they flailed their arms in just the right way.

Maybe some kinds of magic are receptive to the ritualistic behaviors of warriors. You don’t have to understand the magic to use it, you just have to perform all the steps. Magic is a recipe.

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Kinda, but not fully.

Warriors have the barbarian fantasy coded in it for sure, but so are the other types of warriors.

Arms Warrior as a spec has the whole fantasy about technique and mastery combined with strength and raw power, even the blademaster unit that is mostly the arms warrior inspiration is inspired by samurai, who are the typical trope for the discipline and technique based warrior. You also have some skills based around the military role of leadership, inspiring your peers to fight better or to resist. But warrior as a class will remain a strength focused one. The game would benefit from a “fighter” class that could cover the other archetypes of melee fighter that the game lacks.

And Arms is stuck to the barbarian fantasy thanks to the class order halls, and the terrible balancing the spec gets. It’s very sad that many Devs consider it a PvP spec and halfass it’s PvE identity and Fury get’s most of the focus.

Also where is my polearm and shield combo?

Warriors are the batmen of WoW. Peak physical abilities that defies IRL ceilings, very inspirational, and their exaggerated peak physical abilities lets them defy physics.

Just like Batman.


Yeah, warrior order hall is bad. But that doesn’t exactly change what the spec is built around and how its moveset works.

Considering the “currency” of a Warrior is their rage, I think it’s safe to assume we are going with this rugged type of Warrior for sure. And this is honestly what you see in most cultural depictions of Warriors. A disciplined and calm Warrior is the exception, not the expectation. In fact, I don’t even see much similarity between say a Samurai and a Viking. Other than use of a sword and armor. I’d even say Samurai are closer to Paladins or Templars than Warriors.

It would be cool to have class that fits the Roman Legionnaire, Medieval Knight, Samurai, etc side of real life “warriors”. More calm and composed but still deadly. Perhaps it could be called a Swordmaster, Soldier, or Mercenary.

The similarities kinda end there because while Batman has a no-kill rule, your average PC warrior has thousands and thousands of kills.

Though I’d read an else-world comic where Moo-ce wayne the minotaur (that inexplicably nobody notices is a 9 foot tall bull man) dons the cowl and turns the Joker into extra chunky salsa the first time they meet.

I’ve taken it to be a form of Chi, while monks access normal chi through inner harmony and self mastery, Warriors channel it through raw anger and killing intent.

Think of it sort of like the dark side of the force.

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its just gains bro, no need to overthink it

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Warriors throw thunder hammers, break the earth, turn into avatars, spin so fast and unstoppably that they become a storm.

they are not normal magicless people.

All spells are magic but not all magic is composed of spells.

It’s magic, but it’s not Magic™ magic.

What you never get so angry that you force your wounds to close?

I’ve always assumed that rage is an actual magical resource like mana or chi which powers the superhuman feats of strength that are beyond the other classes rather than some arbitrary metric of how pissed off your character is.


I will die on the hill that warriors are not magic.

thunder hammers

The hammers themselves are enchanted

break the earth

I can do that irl with a shovel

turn into avatars

Full body flexing.

spin so fast and unstoppably that they become a storm.

Spinning is not magic!

Spinning at mach speed is definitely outside the scope of what living things should be capable of without some sort of mystical reinforcement.

Spin to win.

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I think they have some sort of magic, and it might be shared by Shamans and Monks as it is the manifastion of their spiritual energy, so I believe it’s something like Chi, the way monks harness it is the “lawful” version of it, harnessed by discipline. Spirit, the way Shamans harness it is “neutral”, as they have to balance the chaotic nature of the elements. Warriors harness it in it’s “chaotic” state, potentially being it’s natural state as all living beings are prone to rage, that allows them their superhuman feats like jumping really high in the air, shattering the earth, entering the “avatar state” as non-dwarves or, more specifically, non-titanforged, etc.