When starting the quest The mnemonic locus quest on the first object “mnemonic locus activated” their is nothing to activate I tried logging of resetting the game and still not working it’s pretty game breaking.
I’m having the exact same issue. The mirrors are highlighted yet I can not click them. I also do not have any “anima” in my inventory I followed the quest line to this point and now I can’t continue to play. Very frustrating
I am also experiencing this problem. on my Dark Iron Warrior Derkberzerk. Really stinks its a part of the main quest chain. Plz Help Blizz
Ope Nevermind, I stood in the blue circle that populated after I relogged again, you dont have to click the conduits
also stuck because of this bug. has anyone found a fix yet?
I had the same problem I unloaded all my addons and was able to do the quest. I am using ElvUI, DBM, GTFO and World quests lists. don’t know which one is the issue. Hope this helps.
I am also using ElvUI and Ghighau’s fix worked for me.
awsome thx
If you’re using ElvUI make sure your zone ability and boss ability buttons aren’t covering each other.
Yesss omg thank you!