The rotation rework did not fix any of the design problems the spec had in PVP/PVE:
- instead of munching Surging shots procs, you are now munching Streamline procs
- in PVP the “one-shot” got bigger, the sustain damage lower
- in Mythic+ the 2-target cleave problem was not addressed (Aspect of the Hydra replaces Trick shots) so nobody will ever take this in Mythic+
- Trueshot was made from an exciting CD to a boring CD that gives crit
- The spec plays exactly the same way as before, only that you can’t cast Aimed shot before having generated 2 stacks of streamline
- Dark ranger is even worse than Sentinel compared to last patch (the gap got bigger)
- The survivability was nerfed (Fortitude of the bear - defensive cooldown used in high end Mythic+/PVP was replaced with a weak 3% DR)
- Using Roar of Sacrifice disables Spotter’s mark (main damage mechanic) for no reason
- The talent tree does not give more choice than before - you have to take all the talents that make your spec work mechanically instead of the “fun” ones that emphasize your preferred playstyle
The only things that were truly improved were:
- the pet dependency
- integrating explosive shot into the rotation
Overall, MM got more complex, but not in a particularly fun way, without feeling better.
In Mythic+ its damage profile and weaknesses did not improve at all.
In PVP the one-shot gimmick was not addressed, but even emphasized, and once nerfed, the spec will be worse than before.
Dark ranger and Sentinel were not leveled, but taken even futher apart.
I’m pretty disappointed by the results of the rework