<The Millennium> [A] Recruiting for BC Raiding

We’re a group of friends that has been playing together since retail BC and are looking to go back to where we started. We’re currently open to all classes/specs for dungeon or casual play For raid specific recruitment see list below. Our current raid schedule will be Tues/Thursday 10pm EST - 1am EST

Raid Needs:
1 Ele Shaman
2 Lock
1 Spriest
1 Ret or Arms Warrior
1 Rogue
1 Mage

10/11 Karazhan (Nightbane)
1/2 Gruul’s Lair
0/1 Mag

If you think this could be a good fit for you or you’d like more information feel free to join the server or reach out to me via Discord dm Lament#7840 bnet Lament#1412

Bump, updated recruitment needs!

We’re still looking!

could use anything other than prot pallies

Updated! 7-10