"The Mess of the Mage":

That doesn’t even make sense.
So they don’t have the keybinds or the gear but “it’s ok, just swap role”?

I don’t speak for everybody, and I never did.
Not everyone. It was literally in my words.

It is you who are claiming they can just swap role whenever they want to “fill a spot”, because their class is able to.

What doesn’t make sense is you speaking on the behalf of thousand of players.

Exactly. The primary reason to play a ranged caster with no utility besides sparsely used CC is to do big damage.

Classes with more armor, sustain, and defensives are doing more damage than us with a lower skill cap required and that’s not okay at all.

Looks like we’ve found something denser than iridium at room temperature.
Better inform the authorities of this scientific discovery.

Strongly getting the impression that Mage was never the issue in the first place and the issue was always pebcak.

We’re back to cyberbullying.

It’s his only utility

:clap: :clap:

Very clever. Not clever enough to refute being called out on your nonsense earlier though, and not enough spine to directly address your smart response.

That was the first thing I said that could be taken as offensive and at that point it was necessary.

Holding someone accountable to respond for their comments is not “cyberbullying” even in this care bear society. Asking them why they can’t play Arcane is not cyberbullying lmao.

But if those delusions make you feel better about your existence then be my guest and hold onto them. Who am I to take away what gives you comfort.

Lol you need to relax homie

He won’t, though.

Loves to whine.