Well I did also say that they should just do this on our characters and not in the covenants.
That sounds like it affects me considering you’re basically telling me to give up pugging and only ever play with a select few individuals.
Not to mention if somebody decides to PvP, they don’t get to decide who their opponents are.
There is a strong drive to optimize your character in every facet of gameplay right now.
Also the “50 times a day” is a pretty obvious exaggeration, but people absolutely do things like respeccing for each individual boss fight in a raid or respeccing for each dungeon.
Since they avoid combat, they are saving time. You don’t need a shield if you don’t take damage. At no point can you compare the combat effectiveness if you never get into combat.
Shadowmeld isn’t a Covenant ability. If anything, Shadowmeld makes Door of Shadows even stronger because you’ll have access to two trash skips. It will also make teleporting safer because messing up can be avoided by using Shadowmeld to reset combat.
Which is fair? There’s nothing wrong about switching talents or even switching the right class for the right fights. Knowing what to do in different situation is something a lot of players enjoy, you can enjoy “blind” gaming if that’s your thing, that’s not mine.
Which is the same as people did with legendaries in Legion, and we will have legendaries in Shadowland too. Me and a lot of people like having very different builds for different situations, not being locked in one playstyle.
I feel you think that since YOU don’t want to min/max or have that kind of choice that everyone shouldn’t be able to. That’s just wrong. Let people play how they want. Don’t do it if you don’t enjoy it.
How is having a full mage toolkit somehow comparable to having to choose which way or ways to be gimped in the next expansion.
Hint: it’s not remotely similar.
You guys are trying way too hard to convince us that the only fun we should be having in a videogame is knowing you play in a morally superior way over those you have been told are playing the game wrong and should be punished for it.
You’d have a bigger issue pugging if they aren’t swappable.
Because if they were swappable, you’d at least have a choice to change things up to suit your team comp. If the covenants are restricted, then you’ll be removed/declined automatically because you wouldn’t fit the needs of the group.
From an “RP” perspective - you’d WANT to only play with select few individuals. You wouldn’t want to run into combat with a bunch of random people when your life is at stake.
I’m always amazed that you still give this game the time of day. You always present good ideas and logically lay out the obvious issues that go over most forum goer and casuals’ heads.
Yet at the end of the day Blizz never listens and continues to push out bad content designed for the lowest common denominators and degenerates
Okay, I’ll take mage blink on my druid. Oh, I can’t do that because they removed it in Legion?
Nope. Still not remotely comparable. Ion said they don’t want people to be able to change. You’re here to convince us that the only thing we should be doing at this point is “don’t worry, be happy”. And buy up front please.
I’m here wasting time at work. Perhaps trying to throw in a lesson about the Producer-Consumer relationship. They make the game. You consume or don’t consume. Easy. There are too many chefs making this soup.
I think WoW is a great game with a few big, visible flaws. I think most of the flaws in gameplay are player-driven, but the few that are rooted in systems are tough to fix. A lot of the time, it comes down to “no idea is wrong, but we can only pick one, and each has some drawbacks.”
There’s a personal history with the game haha. I don’t “owe” Blizzard anything, but I attribute my interest in my career to them.
Of course its fair. Play the game how you want.
Don’t force others though. And that’s what you’re asking for with covenant talents.
Clearly you aren’t reading everything i’m typing or you’re being very selective about how you are choosing to reply. Since you’re leaving out the actual bit of my argument to somehow calling me “blind.”
You can sit there and act ignorant all you want simply because you want something that I don’t. But to ignore the fact that covenant swapping would create an even bigger balance/imbalance is just silly.
Hence why we should be focused on actually balancing the abilities first.
There were bis legendaries for most classes.
And since they were RNG to obtain the community outside of the top 1% didn’t sit around and require people to have specific builds. Blizzard didn’t design content or tuning around people having and not having legendaries. Balance came as was needed.
Legendaries are not comparable to covenants as talents.
Ignorant to believe so.
Its not that I don’t want people to min/max. YOU CAN STILL DO THAT WITH CURRENT COVENANTS.
You’re just asking for the game development to be completely overhauled the way this game is designed because of how you want to play WoW.
I’m not asking for that. BIG difference buddy.
Shadowmeld, warlock gate, mage invis, kitty stealth, rogue cloak, invis pots… these are all ways to skip trash. Ultimately you have to clear a certain percentage, so sacrificing damage for a 35 yard blink may not be wise.