<THE MARSHAL PLAN> [A] - Incendius

So why do you keep making so many posts and deleting them?
Are you ashamed of what you are writing? Are you not willing to let your words speak for themselves?

Veskr, are you willing to talk to me yet? Because I won’t stop trying until you do.

Are applications still being considered? I am looking for a home on whitemane with my mage. Was a hardcore raider for a while during ICC and beyond, my best achievement being the top frost mage on Mal’Ganis during mythic Garrosh in MoP… even beating the majority of the arcane mages during that time. Never got the chance to play classic and feeling hopeful to enjoy it with a nice group of people. I do work a panama shift right now for work and it changes quarterly, so making raid times might be rough but I would do my best to make them. My name in-game will be Decari.

what is your guild’s raid times?

Late night bump for TMP!

I look forward to killing you all. See you in 12 days. FTH!!

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Good afternoon Bump for TMP!

Hey Veskr. Are you ready to talk yet? All I am looking for is some answers. All I want is a peaceful resolution to this whole thing. Nothing more.

Guild Update: 10 days!

Hello TMP!

We are now only 10 days away from the biggest launch day in MMORPG history! And TMP is uniquely positioned to take full advantage of it. The amount of preparation we have put into this will pay off ten fold come launch day. And put us well ahead of the competition throughout Classic. It is an honor to have each of you on-board for this adventure. We are destined for greatness in Classic. And I look forward to seeing you in Azeroth soon!

wow WTF man? you banned me? noone’s even talking on the discord in the past few days so…wthell dude…that’s a real D*** move to do to people. (Lawnornament)

You could at least be man enough to message someone and say why

Wow…this GM is toxic as hell. I’d steer clear of this group guys.

This GM literally kicked anyone who asked about the drama he was stirring. He kicked most of the guild over drama on Whitemane forums. Most members are being actively blacklisted by other guilds on the server due to complex issues with the leadership. Shady guild proceedings. Avoid this guild and leader at all costs. Spend your time elsewhere.

send me your discord name

I don’t even have clue what drama anyone’s even talking about. I got along with the people in the discord int he stress test just fine…just got banned outof thelbue, and whenI connected to discord again on a dif connectino got banned again without a word

Send me your discord. I’ll send you a DM

Whatever happened sure seems like Veskr lost his mind. Just checked the discord and I also got removed. Cool move veskr , thanks for wasting the last month of time before you went nuts.

I left on my own. I have nothing bad to say about Veskr. He seems a bit paranoid.

I never imagined he would self destruct like this. I hope he figures out what is troubling him.

Bro what is going on?

Btw if anyone is looking for a guild that is drama free, hit me up on Discord.

My Discord: Astr0#1191