The main problem with the game is the community

Kinda…in a way wow enables toxicity due to its systems.

The chances of me never seeing OP again makes it easy for me to be toxic to him. I face literally zero consequences because OP and I will never meet again.

In terms of dungeons…when I can get replacement quickly…I will not really value OP and can be toxic to them because I know I will get another replacement quickly.

(Just examples…I am not like this :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:)

Gamer community in general is a problem

At this point i’m kinda fine just letting it self destruct tbh

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I am. Playing WoW as a goat isn’t ideal. I button mash due to lack of fingers and often cause problems.


i just cant commit to a 4hrs slot of time without going afk fur a bio, smoke or just RL stuff

wait nevermind its not just a game

If one does not regulate a pool and keep it clean then why are you surprised that said pool becomes a polluted mess of toxic bile?


I guess complaining about the toxic parts of the community is like swimming in a pool that hasn’t been chlorinated in a year and complaining about the itch.

:scathes his nuts:

Why are such a large portion of your dungeon groups going bad?

I can’t remember the last time I had a dungeon go bad. And I’ve been pugging mythics for a year now.

dang it i 12

its pg-13

It’s maybe 5% of the people. But if you group with 5 random people you have a good chance of getting one every couple of runs.

unfortunately the people still running heroic dungeons at this point in the expansion fit into one of three categories:

  • experienced, geared players just running them for the cta bags
  • brand new players
  • very casual and/or bad players

groups containing multiple types of players from the above list simultaneously aren’t generally a lot of fun

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back in lich king and after bc but in vanilla

da warrior was like err idchipping godmode

but someone thought to bring balance to the force

do or donot

on a daily basis how many warrs get a purple message

wanna tank

With wow as it is stagnating and in a very bad spot those still here are just bored and with the content being out as long as it has been theres no excuse other then being bad to keep messing up by now.

So people have very little to no patience for screw ups at this point. Its just get it over with asap and move on…any mess up is instantly noticed and scrutinized due to by now people should know.

No one has patience for others to learn, social media is toxic and people keep wanting to treat wow like a single play game they are “forced into playing with others”.

It is part the community but its also blizz failing to keep the community close. More and more systems encourage toxic play with little to no actual communication.

People want fast completions no one wants to stay in the stagnant same old dungeons and raids anymore then needed.

People are mad because they are BORED. Lol


op,imho,we are under a lot of stress but that is no excuse to be rude in a dungeon when it’s support to be fun and adventurous. Some people take things a little to serious.

yup bring back da warr to top dps as tank

love mk scrolling text crits 8)\

like back in da day of swiftys 1 shot macs wit the crit text 8)\

or roll a warlock

can we just link this on r/woosh

WoW is full of people who play the game as a job. They’re toxic because they’re doing something they hate. Imagine how you would deal with your customers at your job if you were totally anonymous and there was no repercussion for anything you did or said. The only fixes for these issues is good game design. The problems are getting worse because Blizzard has taken it too far and lost too many customers, so the people playing the game as a job are even more desperate and under more pressure. I think the biggest issue of all is Blizzard has given the people who play the game as a job the wrong set of tools to work with. Career players are a barrier to entry rather than economic contributors, again all revolves around poor game design. Most MMOs have solved these issues and don’t have these problems to such a degree.