Yesterday. Played 4 or 5 BG’s on my 60 horde druid, lost all of them. Played 3 on this priest, won all 3 in 40-50 bracket. Also, look at the post by Forumgodx above, who explicitly acknowledges that he is routinely running a 5-man premades just to gy farm and humiliate horde. I remember a couple expansions back there used to be Ally Bleeding Hollow premades in low level bracket running fotm toons with consumables and enchants, gy farming. There was even an Ally player whos name was Ifarmuatgy, no kidding. But horde does all that too, except to a lesser extent, again in my personal experience.
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For the past 4 years it is generally common knowledge that the Horde dominates epic battlegrounds (the ones with an element of PvE in them, largely because of ridiculous imbalances that exist/ed within 50% of the maps available). In my experience, it is starting to even out, slowly, but I’ve never had the impression that Alliance has ever struggled in normal battlegrounds, either.
But the funny thing is IOC is turning out to be the worse Alliance epic now. The only epic map where alliance have an actual advantage but getting sabotaged by Dock fools and bomb runners every game .
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Well something tells me you played horde significantly more. Sure, horde is in a better place for pvp but 35% wins? Out of what? 20 total games played on alliance?