The main difference between Alliance and Horde in BGs

This is legit the only thing i’ve considered paying gold on a carry through on my undergeared alts.


Yeah it’s definitely annoying when you go in there on an undergeared Alliance toon and get wiped on the last boss/walk out with nothing. It just feels sooo bad, feels like a big waste of time :-1:

I’m solo-queuing it too, so I just drop down a layer or two if I have a failed run.

I wish they would make the Soul Ash drop “per floor” or something, or add more sources (say, from some of the WQs). If a full run drops say, 300 Soul Ash, then each floor dropping say, 50 Soul Ash, would make the place more tolerable. That way you don’t walk away empty-handed if you lose to the final boss.


Among the many things, I despise about the character progression in SystemLands, Torghast and its necessity is #1 on my list.


Already did it. To be fully honest though, minus a set group of people to play with, I don’t think I would ever main Alliance (as much as I adore the cities and xmog). I get better groups out of solo queuing random BGs than I do queuing for organized PVP over there.

Arenas seem to be fine, but low cr RBGs have been tilting so far. People who stuck it out and pushed out of that initial player pool to do well for themselves have all my respect, truly.

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If you need someone to help you through Choreghast, let me know. I have tanks and healers who are just gathering dust with nothing to do in this very long content draught :sob: Same for you Gdtroll.


Very frequently in my WSG they don’t play to win, they farm kills. I ended up going Shaman so I could carry flags with reasonable success. So yes, I’m frequently the only one doing it, but I don’t think it’s reasonable to say the Horde care about winning. It’s 30% bandwagon riders who want to think they’re amazing players because they joined up with a winning franchise. All mooch and no skill with that lot.


This is the definition of skill in WoW

This is an example of skill gap between Ally and Horde

It complete lie because some really good PvP zergs moved from Horde to Ally just b/c of that OP Human ability. However, it did not stop general migration from Ally to Horde. In WoTLK if you had a party of 4 players with brain you could carry almost any game. It is different in SL b/c whoever has better gear wins in 90% of the time


you know this is a game that number matters?
Maybe we should drop those stupid and blind positivity mentality

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I sincerely hope you do not honestly believe that

I was stating that you claiming ‘on average’ Horde toons are 12k health above Alliance is absolutely outlandish, not that being 12k above your enemy doesn’t give you an advantage.

I sincerely hope you do not honestly believe that

Any athlete will tell you that competition is a mental game, as well as an ability game. If you demoralize your team and believe you’re going to lose, you nor your team will play to win. I wouldn’t even queue into a BG if I were willing to give up before I’ve even been beaten.


Probably I was exaggerating, as they only take part of 70~80% instead of 100% of my games before I dropped this mismanaged game the 1st day of this sub.

Also “advantageous” is a serious understatement:

If I am to make comparison, no serious sport will put a random Joe into Mike Tyson.

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I honestly can’t count the times this season I was in high xp low cr games and a bunch of sub 30k health players stomped teams with a bunch of 35-40k health players, it’s happened several times.

But it’s tiring having this same argument every couple of days with whoever is on the forums mad about PVP that particular day. The only thing that really matters here is you aren’t enjoying yourself, and regardless of what anyone says that’s not going to change this season unless you find something you like about the game.

It doesn’t sound like random BGs in their current state are going to appeal to you. So I’m sorry you aren’t enjoying the game, and hope you find pleasure in it at some point in the future.


So much better than high gear, low xp groups that just sit on their thumbs or running around like headless chickens…

Some of my best games have been in alt groups with low ilvl but high xp.

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I have those games too, yet my memory is not good enough to let those nullify the fact that horde’s gears being far superior making most of my games unplayable. Not positive enough for me huh.

Good thing anyone on Alliance could enjoy. Hope Blizzard makes more things similar in the future.

The one that absolutely flummoxes me is Temple of Kotmogu. Without fail, Alliance players refuse to pick up and carry the orbs. I’ve literally seen teammates 5 yards away from an orb that was on the pedestal, and they run off in the other direction. Even though it makes no sense for healers to be carrying orbs, I always feel like I have to just so our team can get some points on the board. It’s extremely frustrating.

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I think it depends on what server group you are in for who wins more bgs. On our server group the Horde is pretty bad and most good horde pvp players merc to alliance for two reasons. Better chance of winning and shorter que times.


Battlegroups haven’t been a thing in quite some time, it’s all region-based now.

When I play 5 man premade we have 100% winrate in battlegrounds. We play to humiliate horde not beat them, graveyard farm them every match or they just don’t leave respawn point at all in Silvershard Mines. Some of them ragequit after first teamfight upon realizing we are premade… it contradicts what you say, horde is full of defeatists too, all you need to do is humiliating them a few times. I remember horde rbg teams dropping to 7-6 man from 10 many times in RBGs.

Alliance also have burden of mercenaries so don’t expect them to have success in random battlegrounds without premade. I suggest you to boycott random battlegrounds and play rated battleground only except for first wins of the day perhaps. You will also get gear via that method instead of useless honor gear, equip conquest.

You realize that horde/alliance are both the same right? Humans?

Generally speaking if you outgear or out “organize” (premades) them your success/win factor spikes pretty high…

On most of my toons at least lately it seems like I can win as much on either faction; this is random BGS as we have some folks mixing in RBGs for some reason to the thread.

I also 100% agree that you increase your chance of losing if someone decides to start whining ahead of the game starting about gear, or whatever or being negative. It not only creates an overall negative mindset it can entice certain personalities to simply not care since they now have an emotional predisposition to “stick it to their team” or whatever.


This definitely happens, but that also points to an alliance issue.
Why is it once people on the alliance get above 34k hp, they stop playing randoms?

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