The Madness of Mythic Raiding Restrictions: A Plea for Balance

There’s a reason why most people say Raiding was the most enjoyable during Wotlk before parse and log warriors overtook everything. There’s been funcraids through other xpacs, but overall availability w/ fun factored in, it still overachieves most xpacs.

There was min-maxing, but nothing on the scale it’s on today. It’s a game, and people tend to forget that. While also stop conparing yourself to others. Stop focusing on the lurches that perform WoW / esports for a living. They’re doing it for 8-12 hours a day, they’re going to be the best because thats all they do.

While I have no problem with the difficulty of the Raid or the time it demands, I am against this new movement of “doing M+ infinitely to make the Raid easier”.

By doing so the only thing gained is taking away the value of Normal and Hero.

They should be 2 totally separate paths.
M+ gear should be weaker in Raid and Raid gear should be weaker in M+.

This way you can focus on what you really like.

Im convinced that OP uses chatgpt to write his answers. Its kind of obvious.

For the topic: 20m Mythic needs to go. Many reasons have been listed already and its an old relic from WoD where they made the biggest mistake in WoW history killing off 10m guilds.

Plus the raids get nerfed over time anyway. Like you cant compare current Raszageth with Raszageth 1-2month into the Season.

There are currently 1.6k+ Guilds that have cleared Vault. And if one cant compete on lets say world rank 300 then maybe world rank 500 is more of ones taste. And if not then maybe 700 and so on and so forth. The way the game is played differs massively from world rank to world rank

People kicked others for one daring not go full cookie cutter

People can clear the current raids with green logs and arguably even grey logs.

The issue isnt the games difficulty but the mindset of some people and that you will never be able to change (and it isnt a case just in WoW. Its a case in every game with a competitive nature)

They had to settle on a fixed size for Raids. Thats why 20man was chosen as a middle ground. Could arguably do it 17 or 15.

All of what you said is player driven.

“Staying competitive” unless you are making it competitive it’s not a competition.

“Endless grind for better gear” it’s 100% possible to do it without setting your foot in any m+.

“It takes 20 hours to clear a raid” it might take you that long but that’s a you problem, furthermore you not having the time doesn’t mean blizzard should make things easier and faster to accommodate your agenda, it’s ok to not kill every boss does every week if you don’t have time to do so.

In conclusion you want blizzard to balance the game to your schedule, L take

That’s the point of Mythic. It should be a barrier for the casuals. And the game isn’t even hard. Anyone who actually cared about getting Cutting Edge could do it on a 6-9 hour commitment a week if they took the mental effort to want to improve their play. But the fact is there’s too many button clickers that don’t look at logs or do any self reflection that think they deserve to clear Mythic.

You mean like the one they had over a decade ago in ICC? Where there was a weekly buff that increased?

Somewhere along the way Blizzard lost their original vision for PvE content by listening to this minority of perpetually-online gamers. The reward wasn’t that you cleared MC/BWL, the reward was that you cleared it so many times you had all the drops.

The game doesn’t change one bit for these people if the content is easier and more accommodating to everyone. They still race for ranking, they still get the most possible gear out of the instance, and they still get 10x more clears of the content than the rest of the playerbase. Server first titles, Hall of Fame, all of it. No one’s asking for it to be LFR difficulty, but it certainly needs to drop some. The amount of 6-7/8 M guilds that die every tier is astounding. Or better yet - pull a Destiny 2 and add “RWF Mode” where there are extra mechanics specifically for these guilds. A great example is the Razageth M knockback that never should have seen live servers.

I cannot believe that after almost 20 years they can’t figure out what originally drove people to play the casual MMO that allowed you to do endgame content with anyone and everyone.

I appreciate a good MLA style argumentative essay when I see one. Your paragraphs are well put together, with some well thought out points in each. Just some constructive feedback, don’t forget to indent each paragraph by at least half an inch, though I usually go with hitting the space bar six times and that gets me there. Don’t forget double spacing, and above all else, sources need to be cited. Without sources and citations, someone like me who doesn’t do M+ or mythic raiding won’t have a frame of reference as to the validity of the arguments. And as you’ve seen, other responses have subtly suggested there is plagiarism at work here, and that’s never good. Also, one thing my English Comp I Professor made a point of is the overuse of the words “In Conclusion”. Consider trying something else a little more “you” to summarize your essay. Otherwise, good essay, we need more posts like this. :+1: :v:

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You’re playing a videogame that is disrespecting your time.

Stop playing it if you cant cope up. Mythic raiding is for best of the best. Of course, you would get all your gear from all possible sources. Mythic raiding is not for whiners who makes excuses.

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You skipped the part where the change to equalize 25 and 10 not only killed a lot of 25 man Guilds prior to that but was a balancing nightmare until Mythic came out.

Cata was littered with the corpses of 10 man Guilds that were created but couldn’t progress. They wanted to be GM’s and Officers of their own Guilds without realizing that a lot of the secret sauce to Raiding success was based on the quality of Guild leadership and in particular the Raid Leader.

That’s not to say there weren’t plenty of successful 10 mans but even Blizz has cited the change as a mistake that messed up the eco system for years.

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Thats why m+ is my preferred content now.

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I like “taking all of this into account” then summarizing with “I am the best, you are not and therefore all opinions contrary to my own will be ignored.”

Thank you for your constructive feedback on my previous posts. I appreciate the time you’ve taken to provide suggestions for improvement. It’s worth mentioning that my responses are not a result of plagiarism, but rather the work of an AI language model generating content based on the input provided.

Although forum posts may not strictly adhere to the same formatting and citation standards as academic essays, it’s important to provide accurate and reliable information in any discussion. Going forward, I will do my best to incorporate your suggestions and ensure my contributions to the discussion are well-structured, informative, and engaging.

Once again, thank you for your valuable input.

LOL! I knew it sounded a little too familiar. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Still better than most of the posts on GD so still well done. :+1:

It makes sense though. That game is strictly competitive isnt it? Even if there’s some kind of computer versus everyone it’s optional.

This game does a huge thirty rope game of tug of war. Everything’s thrown in together at once with the opting out being in game.

It’s the whole notion of looking in your neighbor’s bowl, seeing they have more (or some at all) and saying you don’t have enough rather than Just enjoying what you have.

Long story short people are complaining due to envy, pride, or malicious superiority complex

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I’m confused.

The hardest content in the game takes time and dedication, and this is bad because ?

There are multiple difficulties for a reason.


Interesting that this tier brought the attention of the Community Council members on this topic , since We’ve discussed this several times in the forums and WoW practically has 2 raiding modes, 1 flex and then Mythic with another set of rules, logistics.

Now a lot of AOTC guilds that can handle Heroic can’t progress the next difficulty and this tier has a better approach to raiding in my opinion but at the same time there’s this issue with Mythic.

Good Luck Council members because Devs response like 10% of the total of threads created on that sub forum… maybe if they do a live chat focused on raiding scene for the general public besides RWF.

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Thanks for sharing my post Näamah.

The TL;DR is that raid difficuly comes from 2 sources:

  • Gamplay difficulty (how hard are the bosses)
  • Organization effort (how much work outside of raid do you have to do to participate)

In the past, both of these sources more or less lined up. Mythic 's gameplay was so hard that it only attracted those willing to put in the extra organizational effort. For everyone else, normal and heroic offered enough of a challenge to keep them satisfied without having to deal with managing an optimal roster of exactly 20.

This season however, the drop in difficulty has left the later group unsatisfied by the ease of the gameplay difficulty. Their only option to access more of a raid challenge is to also take on the burden of organizational difficulty, which just isn’t fun or appealing to most players.

Does challenging gameplay have to come with a high barrier to entry and low accessibility? I don’t think so. Mythic Plus does a great job in offering a challenging to any player that is very accessible and easy to jump into.

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You’re right with this, any other game doesn’t change the second aspect, the difficulty changes via new mechanics, more health…etc for the same group or player experience, like any single player game with easy, medium, hard…etc or other MMORPGs with their raid scene. Only WoW in order to maintain some sort of competitive and encounter design around 20man decided to split the whole raid scene, We’ve basically the same raid rules since early WoD, Raiding should have some changes by now.

I’d like to see the numbers for raid clears from Blizzard but they’re not going to show them to the public, if you check Raider IO for the last raid, there’s a massive gap of 80% + of groups that clear Heroic compared to Mythic clears.

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Gearing up has never been faster than it is right now.

I’m a CE raider, I don’t get paid to play wow, and while I think the emphasis on keys for gearing is far too much (since I really just want to raid), I don’t think that it takes too long to gear up right now at all. It’s week 3 and I have like a couple upgrades left outside of deep mythic bosses and vault. I didn’t take a single day off work to play wow this tier.