The Love Rocket Mount NEVER Drops

I got the new one that is the same model as a bunch of others, while the one i’ve tried for like 20 years refused to drop lol

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It says they were “last seen” on Feb 10. I doubt they’d be lurking here of all places if they were no longer with the company.

You can’t exactly call it a necro thread when the event is still live, and the thread is still as relevant today as it was 3 years ago. Yes, technically you are correct because of the date, but more accurately, it is an unresolved post that has been going on for 3 years, LOL.


Over 350 attempts this year, and finally the last 4 days of the event I panic multiboxed and still couldn’t get it to drop.

Oh well. Better luck next year. Again.

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the increase was not enough, it still doesnt drop. i have literally everything else the box can drop but the rocket


I thought the event was over at 10am EST so in surprise, saw that it was still running. I was in Stormwind and overheard someone saying they had just gotten the mount. So I figured, what the heck.

Popped onto my warlock, queued up and bop. just got it after so many years.


i HATE you


Sympathies, truly. I was floored.

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Just saw a guildy get it =(

No love sweeper for me, yay ‘only drops from the first box of the day’ making it ungrindable.


Welp another year gone by with no manuscript and no love rocket


Did this event every single day and didn’t get either mount. I don’t believe the drop rate has been buffed at all.


You guys have one more attempt today, I believe dailies reset in 20 minutes and the event leaves 2 hours after.

Wishing you all luck.

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Blizzard I will still play plenty of hours of this game if you give me this mount. I’d rather spend all my hours doing something more fun ingame instead of this grind every year, please. 1000+ attempts is not reasonable.


Not seeing the broom feels worse than not seeing the rocket.

At least the rocket everyone already knows it’s extremely rare and people have been farming, sometimes to absurd degrees for like 15 years and still never set it.

But not getting the broom, which they said supposedly had some kind of help with bad luck and that it’s supposed to increase the chance each failed attempt, only to not get it anyways after doing it every day. That seems particularly :poop:ty

Are the people who came up with this angry because they’re single and just hate Valentine’s? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Jk (mostly)


No rocket for me again this year, but I’m fine with that; with the drop rate as it is I’ll never expect to get it but still be pretty chuffed if I ever do.

At least I managed to get the drake manuscript today though! :+1:


I’m still doing attempts :confused:


I’d believe you if that actually existed :stuck_out_tongue:

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I tried it one last time during the 2 hours after reset. Still didn’t get it.

Got the broom and wasn’t even after it or wanted it. And of course no rocket.

I have only seen 1 person ever get it in the group runs I’ve made since the event was added to the game.