Congrats! I was kidding because it seems so very elusive. Grats!
I got it this year.
I’m not fond of the look so it’s never been a top priority over the years. complete rng I guess.
I’ve never seen someone get it from the box. Years and years and nothing. I was hoping this year to see SOMEONE get it.
I’ll chime in. I have collected every single obtainable mount in the game except for 5.
Current season glad mount, 3 tcg and this, the X-45 heartbreaker.
Oh by the way, I have also collected every obtainable toy, pet and recipe.
I am no stranger to grinds, rng, unorthodox methods, multiple accounts, strange hours, and literally any other thing you can think of in order to obtain collectibles in this game. I have been everywhere, tried everything.
The X-45, is bar none the most depressing, draining, and absolutely unfair item to collect in the entirety of the game and there is no refuting that whatsoever. The drop rate of 1/3333 is utterly ABUSIVE to people who strive to collect things in this game and it is time to change it. Read your own forums, read wowhead comments. There are only two categories of posts regarding this mount, people who have had their soul sucked out of them once per year for more than a decade, and people who ridicule them. No one seems to care about the status or prestige of this mount anymore, there isn’t any to begin with. It isn’t a show of skill to obtain a ridiculously low drop chance item any more than it is a show of skill to win the lottery. There is no history to preserve here, it’s time to put this damn thing on the vendor and let people spend their time elsewhere. Make this holiday a good experience for your players.
Another year of doing this event.
Another year of disappointment.
So, it never drops, until it drops for you?
Another year (thats 16 I believe) 9 runs a day, every day and never seen it drop for anyone. At this point they should just give it to us.
The secret is making a new account. I farmed the love rocket for over a decade. Made a new account and got the broom and rocket a day apart. That the is the trade secret, you are welcome.
i care about the status and prestige of the Heartbreaker… it’s very nice to see someone riding such a rare mount.
many people have spent years trying to obtain it and their hard work shouldn’t be deleted.
Here is the proof, go to my character, and look under my achievements it was achieved, (X-45 Heartbreaker) on 2/15/25.
“hard work” lol, delusional. Killing a holiday boss and getting a lucky drop is not hard work. It is boring tedious and draining to do it many thousands of times but there is nothing hard here.
I have ridiculously bad luck then. I’ve tried every single day of the event, my last bag was 8 tokens. Sucks, it’s my favorite color and I’m crazy for flying brooms.
look at ye, posting in a necrod thread from 3 years ago.
thats how you get literally every other mount in this game except for gladiator mounts.
Mage tower, CE mounts, pvp seasonal mounts/saddles, bone-white primal raptor, expansion meta achievement rewards, KSM, raid meta achvs, rep rewards, profession rewards, any other holiday mount on a vendor, secret rewards, quest chain/campaign completion, brawlers guild, protoform synthesis…“literally”.
This one is very different from the others, since getting Cutting Edge doesn’t get you a mount. It might, but probably not. Takes months to farm up CE mounts for the whole team, after you first kill the boss. And since most CE guilds get the kill in the last month of the season, that means they’re spending the rest of every expansion getting the mounts from the first season.
I’m sorry, but some of you have taken this too far. You should not be doing this. The mount is not worth this.
It’s not.
But that new Lunar Festival mount they added for 75 coins is pretty cool. Way cooler than the love rocket.
Normally, I’d agree with ya’ but… it is a thread that’s relevant to a topic that’s ongoing right now and with a blue post from an actual developer so… This is a thread that likely should make a return once a year. Whenever folks are talking about the Love Rocket mount.
With some context of it being from three years ago of course, but still. It is rare to see blue posts from actual developers.
This thread truly does stay evergreen. Yep, still in the no rocket club. Another year, another lord knows how many attempts down the drain.