The love rocket drop rate really is a slap in the face

The issue is we know it was 1/3333 chance prior to the change, and like the Fallen Chargers “Three times drop rate increase”, no one knows what the increase is for the love rocket, they just told us they increased the chances for the first attempt each day, but to what?

Well, I’ve been farming the rocket since the 2010 revamp, so it’s been 14 years. I think that’s fine. Every year I make a go for, and it hasn’t panned out. It is what it is.

It also took me 750+ attempts to get Invincible, so I’m no stranger to bad rng.

if we can’t see that, we have no way of knowing.

regardless, that wasn’t the question.

It IS unreasonable to not see something drop after 14 years.

again, we can’t see that.

but you could farm that all year long, with the same drop chance each time, with characters which can be much lower level than required to queue for CCC.


Yes. It’s rare.

No, that’s our entire point we are trying to make, but there is always a handful of players being like “It’s rare”, our point is it should not be this rare, not on something you can only farm 2 weeks in each year.

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I think it should be this rare. I think that’s good for the game that some people have a cool elusive mount they get to show off.

i only got the drake armor from the boosted box yesterday

they use it for 5 minutes and then never touch it again.

That’s the sad part, people are saying things need to be rare, but when was the last time even now with the higher drop rate and more people getting it, did you actually see someone use it?

The same goes for anything in this game, 2 people say something needs to stay rare, the rest of us call crap. There is so much in this game that you just never see because a handful of people yell “It needs to stay rare”. And that goes for pets, mounts and mogs and it’s not good, someone put in effort to give us content and we never see it.


Also, there’s X amount of reasons why a player want Y thing, For example, I’d set this as default mount for a mage + pink transmog and it’ll be my default mount for casual BGs.

Just like my priest use the Magic Rooster.

They made it a lower drop rate then most of the rare mounts but they seem to forget one key issue is that its time limited once a year.