The Loremaster Achievement - Which Continent is the Toughest?

Outland. Horrible place.

There is no structure to quest hubs and you have to fly across the whole map. Which, Outland BTW IS HUGE! Doesn’t feel like it, until you have to go from one end to the other of any map, multiple times.

Also, doing it max provides small comfort: most quests are looting things, looting things that don’t drop guaranteed, looting things that have a really short anchor so you loose aggro easily when rounding them up.

Oh, it also has quite a lot of kill quests for different mobs that share spawns, so you decimate an area, now sit and wait till they respawn.


There’ll be an event every month and a half or so. And the tokens are easy to use. Just mail them to the toon you want to use them on, and use them like any other item.

This, however it was easier than today’s achievement.


I disagree about the TW strat. Most reps needed you can farm doing cycles of normal or heroic dungeons. Its faster, easier and more fun. You make gold and on top of that, you can collect the recolor transmogs from TBC.

In the case of Sporeggar unless you have a very evil person on the server, who is cornering this rep (ridiculous but it happens) all the herbs needed usually sell for coppers or silvers at the AH.

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Outland by a landslide. Shadowmoon valley was a freaking mess with lots of NPCs that have long respawn times.

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Same. Just glad I finished it up not long before 7.3.5 haha. Was only missing a few quests here, and there in some zones from over the years though, so wasn’t that bad for the most part. Only trouble really ran into was Outland Nagrand quests that sent you back, and forth to Outland Shadowmoon Valley.

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Back before Cataclysm, I found that Kalimdor was the most difficult. Many quests were hidden and hard to find for the Alliance.

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Pre-Cata, it was DEFINITELY Kalimdor.

Mostly because there was actually a pretty damn tiny margin between “quests required for achievement” and “total quests on continent”. Something like a dozen or so quests.

… across the entirety of Kalimdor.

They were zone-specific either, it was ALL of Kalimdor (and all of Eastern Kingdoms, but that was significantly easier). So you were scouring the whole damn continent trying to find the one thing you missed.

These days? Probably Outland.

Mostly because it can be tricky to track down the missing quests, which were sometimes a part of a quest drop off mobs… so if you missed it, good luck tracking it down. On the bright side, it IS zone-specific at least.

It’s also less generous than the Northrend, so it can be tight in a couple of spots.

The Northrend used to be but I am pretty sure they made all of those easy mode now.

Not to mention we had like 55/70 and there were no more quests available. Fun days.

I’m not sure how it is now (seems far more linear) but when I did it Outland was hell.

You’d constantly jump from A to D to J to B and back to A…and always be missing quests you couldn’t find for the life of you.

Kalimdor was…big…but still felt a little bit more “welcoming”.

Wrapped up both Southern Barrens and Dustwallow Marsh! On to Tanaris, Silithus, and Un’Goro Crater!