It’s been almost a decade since I’ve seen any Xxcloudxx or Xxsephirothxx type names
They also all talk like they just finished running a marathon lol.
Yeah, but like the stories are sooo poooor, that they really need to “just change things like that”. I would have rather sat on Legion since Legion than to have gone through BfA, SL, and DF. The last 3 expansions have probably been worse on player retention then having done nothing at all.
friendship beam is good writing
Any time Alexstrasza opened her mouth, I fell asleep.
BfA in my opinion was okay until after siege of dazar a lor … as soon as they went Nazjatar and void it got bad fast
lmaooo that’s crazzzzy i’m gonna need to see receipts. he didn’t want to damage the product hahhaha
Personally dragonflight is so lame to me that I don’t even read what quests talk about anymore, I liked shadowlands more even though it was pretty confusing
But going back to doing loremaster achievement and reading old quest brings up the old fun, just wish I met more people in the old world like they have in classic
we didn’t like SHadowlands. it was too dark.
now we have FAMILYYYYYYY, Happy rainbow dragons.
And any time Chromie opens hers I go into diabetic shock.
Blizz really needs to learn how to slow dafuq down and properly pace the story.
And dear lord address character tone properly.
But… to be honest BfA was so bad… it isn’t hard to believe he sabotaged it. The fight for UC got retconned. Sylvanas got retconned with it. She got turned into a terrible antagonist where we still don’t quite understand her motivation.
She sided with the jailor, to make more death, so he could become more powerful, because he pinky-sweared there was something worse than him and Sylvanas accepted it.
I’d have signed up for the fourth war if Sylvanas was like, “Let’s genocide some elves.” I’d be up there with my spikey armor yelling “For the Horde!” Instead we got our masterful tactician hero/leader getting confuzzled an absurd lie and I’m just left disappointed one of our more interesting characters got destroyed.
Well that’s the opinion of those who didn’t like the way the story went. Others had no problem with it.
He was being ousted about the end of Legion/start of BFA for the harassment scandals, so to spite Danuser he pitched the plot of Sylvanas going full Duke Dastardly evil and burning Teldrassil as well as the whole Zovaal fiasco.
“Turned into” implies she was ever anything but.
Lol no.
That would have killed WoW.
I will even go as far as saying fewer people care about the story then you think. Seeing as how WoW never had a good expansion story.
I don’t think it’s ever been that good, but also I feel like I’m most medias trying to make a story go on and on forever inevitably leads to it getting bad.
“Soft can be epic”
Its going to get soooo much worse friend lol
Oh… you have big feelings right now? Let’s hug it out!
But yeah, the story has been an absolute disaster since the end of Legion. But by now, it can’t really be salvaged anymore.
I must say, though, that the storytelling in this game was never particularly good. At WoW’s best times, one could only describe it as mediocre.
Wow has always been cheesy.
It’s just that the delivery this expansion have been flat, boring or too much “marvel”.
Really? That’s when I felt like BfA finally got going.